Sport And Adventure

E-Book Overview

Contains: 24 works, some are reprinted chapters from longer works by mostly obscure authors, but also includes more well-known authors such as: Jack London with a full reprint of his short story "Chased by the Trail"; Howard Pyle with a chapter from his Pirates book; Conan Doyle with a full reprint of his short story "The Red-Headed League"; Robert Byrd with a chapter from his autobiography about flying over the North Pole; and Charles Lindbergh with a chapter from his autobiography about crossing the atlantic in a solo flight

E-Book Content

The JUNIOR CLASSICS VOLUME NINE • SPORT AND ADVENTURE Warren Chappcll Christian gave orders to lower the boat I See p.i - JUNIOR CLASSICS The Edited by MABEL WILLIAMS With Introduction by President of Smith and MARCIA DALPHIN. WILLIAM ALLAN NEILSON, College; Introduction CHARLES W. ELIOT, Former President to First of Former Edition by Harvard University Popular Edition ILLUSTRATED volume NINE On / J m|j|^»t1 (TKlU[a^ WRL sport and ADVENTURE n>»T"»>~~*™" P. F. COLLIER & SON CORPORATION Copyright, 1938, 1948, 1949, by P. F. COLLIER & SON CORPORATION SIXTY-THIRD PRINTING, i960 Play* Football," from "The Varmint," copyright, 1910, by Little, Brown & Company. "The Winning Bug," from "Split Seconds," copyright, 1926, by Jackson Scholz; copyright, 1927, by William Morrow & Company, Inc. "Billy Topsail and the Devilfish," from "The Adventures of Billy Topsail," copyright, 1906, by Fleming H. Revell Company. "The Two-Twenty Low Hurdle Race," from "The Human Comedy," copyright, 1943, by Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc. "Head Over Heels," copyright, 1942, by B. J. Chute. "Knapsack of Salvation," from "I'll Take the High Road," copyright, 1939, by Wolfgang Langewiesche. "Chased by the Trail," copyright, 1907, by Perry Mason Company. "The Prospector," from 'They of the High Trails," copyright, 1902, by Hamlin Garland; copyright, "Tom Chist and the Treasure Chest," 191 6, by Harper & Brothers. from "Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates," copyright, 1921, by Harper & Brothers. "Dick Turpin," from "Highwaymen," copyright, 1923, by Robert M. McBride & Company. "New York to Paris," from "We," copyright, 1927, by Charles A. Lindbergh. "Flying over the North Pole," from "Skyward," copyright, 1928, by Richard E. Byrd. "Dawn Over Zero," from "Dawn Over Zero," copyright, 1946, by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. "The Making of an Explorer," from "Ends of the Earth," copyright, 1929, by Roy Chapman Andrews. "With Helmet and Hose," from "Exploring with Beebe," copyright, 1932, by William Beebe. "Summit of the World: The Fight for Everest," from "High Conquest," copyright, 1941, by James Ramsey Ullman. "Adrift on an Ice Pan," copyright, 1909, by Wilfred Thomason Grenfcll. "The Race for the South Pole," from "The Last Continent of Adventure," copyright, 1930, by Walter B. Hay ward. "The Lone Voyagers," from "The Book of the "Stover Gloucester Fishermen," copyright, 1927, by James Brendan Connolly. "An Adventure with a Whale," from "The Cruise of the Cachalot," copyright, 1925, by D. Appleton & Company. "Rounding the Cape in a Windjammer," copyright, 1931, by National Geographic Society. All rights are reserved to the original publishers for in this volume protected by copyright. illustrations Acknowledgments of permissions given by authors and publishers of copyright material appear in Volume X. CFFC MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA for the use CONTENTS PACE Owen
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