Uncertainty And Certainty In Management Of Organizational-economic Systems
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Monograph: Saarbrücken, Germany. - Publisher AV Akademikerverlag GmbH& Co. KG (LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing), 2012. - 226 p.
The book reveals complex cross-cutting issues of estimation uncertainty and certainty, analysis and management in the socio-economic systems, including information theory, decision making, determining the mechanisms of self-organization and chaos in the development of economic institutions and facilities. The author of the research have been resolved important scientific problems related to the disclosure of the mechanisms of self-determination through the socio economic system of the control system based on preventive interventions, matched to the scaling levels. The monograph is addressed to researchers, representatives of higher educational institutions, employees of state authorities, as well as managers of enterprises and organizations, practitioners working in the field of risk management.Неопределенность и определенность в управлении организационно-экономическими системамиВ монографии раскрываются сложные междисциплинарные вопросы оценки неопределенности и определенности, их анализа и управления в социально-экономических системах. Решаются значимые научные задачи, связанные с раскрытием механизмов самоорганизации через определенность развития социально-экономической системы, управления данной системой на основе превентивных мер воздействия. Предлагается введение в научный оборот нового вида неопределенности, единицы измерения неопределенности и определенности, методики оценки неопределенности для зависимых и независимых подсистем в рамках сложных организационно-экономических институтов, теоремы предельной самоорганизации (стабильности). Монография адресована научным работникам, представителям высших учебных заведений, сотрудникам органов государственной власти, а также руководителям предприятий и организаций, практикам, работающим в сфере риск-менеджмента и управления неопределенностью.<em>Contents : Foreword Introduction <strong>The provisions of uncertainty in the economy Uncertainty as a measure of information Uncertainty as a reflection of the system with respect to the "ideal conditions" Uncertainty as an opportunity to choose alternatives Uncertainty as a quality characteristic of information Uncertainty as a source of attributive risk Uncertainty as the ambiguity of outcomes Uncertainty as a natural limiting handling and stability The concept and research of uncertainty Conclusions <strong>The characteristics of uncertainty and certainty Classification of uncertainty Typing and modeling uncertainties Cumulative assessment of uncertainty (entropy) Individual assessment of uncertainty and certainty Antinomic property of uncertainty Dependent and independent subsystems in the assessment of uncertainty and certainty (for example, public-private partnership) Derived performance analysis of entropy and negentropy in the economy Conclusions <strong>Preventive management of uncertainty and certainty in the organizational-economic systems Rationale for the preventive management of uncertainty Optimization of the uncertainty Theorem limit of self-organization (stability) Preventive measures to manage uncertainty and certainty Scaling of the entropy and negentropy Conclusions References Appendix A. The concepts of the category of "uncertainty" Appendix B. Empirical estimates of uncertainty and certainty
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