Courtly Literature: Culture And Context: Proceedings Of The 5th Triennial Congress Of The International Courtly Literature Society, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 9–16 Aug. 1986

E-Book Overview

The International Courtly Literature Society aims to promote the study of courtly literature, primarily, but not exclusively, of medieval Europe. The 45 articles selected here from the papers presented at the 5th Congress center around three themes: rhetoric and courtly literature, the audience of courtly literature, and courtly literature in a comparative perspective. There are contributions by specialists in Old French Literature on such diverse topics as Adenet le Roi, Rene d'Anjou, Le Bel Inconnu, and 15th-century prose chronicles; by Provencalists on the eternal topic of courtly love; by Anglicists on Chaucer, Henryson, Malory, and others; by Germanists on Heinrich von Morungen, der Schwanritter, and Walther von der Vogelweide; by Hispanists on La Celestina and the Historia Troiana; there are also articles on Italian, Dutch, and Scandinavian literature, and two relating to Persian and Arabic courtly texts.

E-Book Information

  • Series: Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature 25

  • Year: 1,990

  • Pages: 621

  • Pages In File: 638

  • Language: English

  • Identifier: 9027222118, 978-9027222114

  • Org File Size: 32,566,381

  • Extension: pdf

  • Tags: Littérature médiévale -- Histoire et critique -- Congrès Amour courtois dans la littérature -- Congrès Littérature courtoise -- Histoire et critique -- Congrès littérature courtoise -- congrès amour courtois -- congrès

  • Toc: 1. Addresses of Editors and Authors 2. Preface 3. The Bottom Line of Love: A Semiotic Analysis of the Lover's Position (by Akehurst, F.R.P.) 4. L'effet autobiographique dans la tradition: le Livre du Cuer d'Amours Espris de Rene d'Anjou (by Blanchard, Joel) 5. The Elaboration of Female Narrative Functions in Erec et Enide (by Bossy, Michel-Andre) 6. Guillaume de Machaut's Voir Dit: The Ideology of Form (by Boulton, Maureen) 7. Un 'Art d'Amour' inedit de la fin du moyen-age: son cadre et ses metaphores (by Brook, Leslie C.) 8. Contre la fin'amor ? Contre la femme? une relecture de textes du Moyen Age (by Calin, William) 9. La double reconnaissance du Castia Gilos de Raimon Vidal de Besalu: reception de la nouvelle provencale (by Caluwe, Jean-Michel) 10. Courtoisie et amour courtois dans le Cleomades d'Adenet le Roi (by Colliot, Regine) 11. Generic Clash, Reader Response, and the Poetics of the Non-Ending in Le Bel Inconnu (by de Looze, Laurence) 12. Sexual Initiation in the Woman's-Voice Court Lyric (by Deyermond, Alan) 13. The Magnanimous Sex-Object: Richard the Lionheart in the Medieval German Lyric (by Edwards, Cyril) 14. Author and Audience in the Roman de Troie (by Eley, Penny) 15. Le vocabulaire courtois dans les Carmina Burana (by Gerard-Zai, Marie-Claire) 16. Trojaner und Griechen auf der Pyrenaenhalbinsel zwischen Mittelalter und den Anfangen des Humanismus: die galizische Cronica Troyana und Juan de Menas Yliada en romance (by Gier, Albert) 17. Le Roi Qui Ne Ment and Aristocratic Courtship (by Firth Green, Richard) 18. The Court of Alfonso X in Words and Pictures: The Cantigas (b

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