Introduzione Alla Struttura Della Materia

   Authors: Armando Francesco Borghesani

Heat Transfer And Fluid Flow In Minichannels And Microchannels

   Authors: Satish Kandlikar , Srinivas Garimella , Dongqing Li , Stephane Colin , Michael R. King

Turbulence In Fluids

   Authors: Marcel Lesieur

Mecanica Clasica

   Authors: Herbert Goldstein

Electrical Properties Of Materials

   Authors: L. Solymar , D. Walsh

Computational Fluid Mechanics And Heat Transfer

   Authors: Dale A. Anderson , John C. Tannehill , Richard H. Pletcher

Quantum Metrology: Foundation Of Units And Measurements

   Authors: Ernst O. Goebel , Uwe Siegner

Oscillations In Ionized Gases

   Authors: Langmuir I.

построение фракталов

   Authors: Кронин Г.В.

квантовая механика

   Authors: Мессиа А.

The Decade Of Discovery In Astronomy And Astrophysics

   Authors: Astronomy and Astrophysics Survey Committee , Board on Physics and Astronomy , National Research Council

The Pendulum: A Case Study In Physics

   Authors: Gregory L. Baker

Kam Theory And Celestial Mechanics

   Authors: Chierchia L.