E-Book Overview
Adding Ajax is ideal for the intermediate to advanced web developers among you who are worried and confused about Ajax, thinking that it will force you to start over with your craft. This refreshing guide will calm those fears by offering an entirely new approach to the topic. Rather than introduce Ajax as a completely new way of doing things, this book shows you how to integrate Ajax with existing sites, and does so by building to Ajax rather than building from an Ajax foundation. By reading this book, you will learn how Ajax allows you to create "rich" web applications, but more importantly, you'll see how the practices you follow feed right into Ajax - and that, in most cases, you already work with the technologies involved. Adding bits and pieces often makes much more sense than tearing down and rebuilding, and you'll learn to integrate Ajax with your usual process. At the end of Adding Ajax, there's reflection on whether starting over might be a fun idea, but by then you should be much more comfortable with it.
E-Book Content
Adding Ajax
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