Nature (vol. 434, No. 7029, 03 March 2005)

E-Book Content

3.3 Editorial 1 MH 1/3/05 1:48 pm Page 1 3 March 2005 Volume 434 Issue no 7029 Why Harvard needs Summers The head of Harvard University leaves much to be desired in terms of tact and demonstrable respect for those who disagree with him. But the university should stick with him, at least for the time being. here are many reasons to argue that Larry Summers, the bluntspoken head of Harvard University, should step down. But there are more compelling reasons for the president of one of the world’s premier academic institutions to remain in place than for him to pack his bags. Summers’ immediate troubles flared up in January after he made controversial comments suggesting that differences in intrinsic ability might partly explain why so few women reach top-tier positions in science. Time will tell whether his comments wreak serious damage on the institution’s reputation and its ability to recruit female students and staff. But the resulting uproar tapped a vein of deep and broad staff discontent about Summers’governing style — discontent on which this publication reported earlier this year (see Nature 433, 190–192; 2005). Anger peaked at two fiery staff meetings in February, one of which Summers described as “searing”. But it now seems that he will be able to ride out the current storm. The economist and former US Treasury secretary has brought a corporate management style to Harvard’s decentralized and scholarly environment. Aggressive, argumentative and domineering are just a few of the words used to describe him by foes and fans alike. The onus is now on Summers to learn some tact and to show greater respect for the diverse and gifted scholars who drive his institution. At a recent faculty meeting, he pledged to listen to staff more and to temper his words and actions. Summers’ past actions don’t inspire much confidence in this regard. Within mon