Nature (vol. 435, No. 7045, 23 June 2005)

E-Book Content

Volume 435 Number 7045 pp1003-1136 In this issue (23 June 2005) • • • • • • • Editorials Research Highlights News News Features Business Correspondence Books and Arts • Essay • News and Views • Brief Communications • Brief Communications Arising(this content only available online) • Articles • Letters • Naturejobs • Futures Editorials In praise of soft science p1003 'Hard' scientists should stop looking down their noses at social scientists, and instead share methods that could help them address pressing societal problems. Not-so-deep impact p1003 Research assessment rests too heavily on the inflated status of the impact factor. Toyota on a roll p1004 Japan's approach to industrial innovation may be out of fashion, but it still delivers the goods. Research Highlights Research highlights p1006 News Drug targeting: is race enough? p1008 Pharmaceutical firms urged to look beyond race as first 'Personalized' drug is approved Meredith Wadman Trouble brews over contested trend in hurricanes p1008 Latest analysis suggests global warming will increase intensity of storms. Quirin Schiermeier China's chicken farmers under fire for antiviral abuse p1009 Bird flu virus develops resistance to common drug thanks to overuse. David Cyranoski Databases in peril p1010 Life-sciences databases are in crisis, say their operators, as funders keen to support exciting new projects lose interest in maintaining existing services. Nature investigates the scale of the problem. Zeeya Merali and Jim Giles Earth holds comet smash in its sights p1013 Wider astronomy community watches and awaits Deep Impact. Tony Reichhardt Sidelines p1014 Bill on deep-sea fish farms brings wave of disapproval p1014 US government in deep water over plan to bring marine aquaculture within federal control. Rex Dalton Retracted papers damage work on DNA repair p1015 Colleagues in field left to 'start from scratch'
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