menean anguage
Deferís e Language Instítute Enqlish Language Center
The American Language Cvursé (ALC) is a comprehensive, multilevel language piogram for icaching English for voeaiional and profcssional purposes. It is designed primíirily for intensive English language ' • . N U I L in a classrQom seiiint;, bul can casi! y be adapied for slower-paced i ns cruel ion "l"he ALC'1; curriculum has been developcd by ihe Defense Language Insiiiute Engliih l.anguage Cenier (DLIELC), which is y US Departmeni of Defense school under me opcraiional control ofthe US Air Forcé. Thc primary focus of che ALC is [o provide y languuge curriculum for a diverse intemaiional milirary populalion, To ihaiend, me course iticludes not onJ> general Engiish topics. bul also miiicary lopics ofs general nalure tiighlighling the typital bnguage miliíaii1 personnel will encounícr in Iheir professiomil and vocational careerfiddí. The ALC has, tio»ever» also beenvery succesüñilly used in environinentE and in US high schools vilh immigrant siudeni populaiiori'í-
Course components The codrdmuied inbiruciioiial
' • -. - for Books I-3Ü consi^E of ihe following.
>• Studemiex[(ST) Homework ynd cvaluaüon esercisev bnokleí Language laboraiory aciiviiies instructor lexi with audio scripis (LLAIT1 > Compuier-delivered inleractive multimediíi inslruciion ÍIMI) for Levéis [-IV * Quiz kit trainingaids
Inquines and orders Please addrcss inquiries and requesis for more información aboui DLIELC publicaiions lo DL1ELDLERW 2235 Andrews Avenue Lacklünd Air Forcé Base, Texas 78236-5259 E-mail:
[email protected] sl2:OO.IsJoeeatÍnglunch? a. b. c. d*
Yes, he ísn't Yes, he is. No, they aren't. Yes, they are,
2. A: What are they doing? B: They're _ . a. b. c. d.
study tired talking pilots
3. A: Where is Joe going? B: Hc's going __ .
a. b. c. d-
Mr. Johnson breakfast to his classroom 12 o'clock
The students are a. b. c. d.
at the at the at the at the
wall pencil library book
5. A: What are you eating? B: _ . a. b. c. d-
an oran ge orangejuice water a drink
6, Tomis a, b. c, d.
on class on the base on the barracks on the mess hall
7, A; Whase classroom is this? B: It's . a. b. c. d.
in the building Mr. Johnson studymg our classroom
8. A: Who'sJohn? B: He's . a. outside h. my brother
c. your pen d. at the library are tíred. a. Mary b. That man c. Tom and Bill d. 10. A: is Sue studymg? B: In her room.
a. b. c. d.
When Where \Vho What
11, Theclockis. a. at the wall
b. to the wall c. on the wall d. under the wall
at the Jab? a. Who's b. What c. Whose d. Where