The Resume Writer's Workbook

E-Book Overview

This comprehensive book is an all-inclusive job search handbook addressing all areas of the job search in an easy-to-read style. This resource is designed to lead users step-by-step through the job search maze. It includes exercises to help users assess their skills and focus on career objectives to land the right job for them. It also includes writing an effective cover letter, networking and interviewing skills, producing an electronic resume, and using the Internet in the job search. This unique handbook provides all the information users need to find a job.

E-Book Content

THE RESUME WRITER’S WORKBOOK Second Edition [Page ii is Blank] The Resume Writer’s Workbook Second Edition Stanley Krantman A u s t r a l i a • C a n a d a • M e x i c o • S i n g a p o r e • S p a i n • U n i t e d K i n g d o m • U n i t e d S t a t e s The Resume Writer’s Workbook by Stanley Krantman Business Unit Director: Susan L. Simpfenderfer Channel Manager: Nigar Hale Acquisitions Editor: Zina M. Lawrence Executive Production Manager: Wendy A. Troeger Development Editor: Andrea Edwards Myers Production Editor: Elaine Scull Editorial Assistant: Elizabeth Gallagher Cover Design: Joseph Villanova Executive Marketing Manager: Donna J. Lewis COPYRIGHT © 2001 by Delmar, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 XXX 05 04 03 02 01 00 For more information contact Delmar, 3 Columbia Circle, PO Box 15015, Albany, NY 12212-5015. For permission to use material from this text or product, contact us by Tel (800) 730-2214 Fax (800) 730-2215 www.thoms
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