Shop Notes Issues

E-Book Overview

Английский журнал по обработке древисины. Подробные схемы и четрежи. Поможет всем, у кого есть время и желание что-то сделать из дерева своими руками. Если у кого-то будут проблемы со скачиванием -- я залью на другой сервис.

E-Book Content

Premiers Issr le I I I Table Saw Accessories Shop-Built Router Table a Tips for Accurate Crosscutting - Elu Router Review ~. I 1 , 1 Douglas L. HKks WH~GINC E ~ T O RTeny J. Strohman n s a s r r n T EDITOR Behard S. Peters ElWTORlALDIRECTOR I 1 CoNrrusunNo EDI-s Gordon Gaippe Phillip A. Totten Tirn Robertson %d&ali~ek Cary Chnstensen I u u n l u r o R Kurt Sehultz ~ ~ N ~ I W T I Nluus. O Chns Giowaeki Robert H. Whitpler DESION DIREOIOR Ken Munkel DE81ONER J b Hale Svec m n w I I A P l l E a Crayda England w o e n Steve Curtis CREATIVE DIRECTOR f f i nART DIRECTOR IRCUU IRECTOR B~CRIP IANAQER OIRCULATWN AN4LVST M.~SSTAND ULES mNmarEn Llz Bredeson Sandy Baum J h W00dsC Kent A. Buc PaulE. Gra AOCOUNT~G LindaObRu UODKEEPWR NENIORK~M~IN. 3 N I ~ ASST. ~ REMPTIOMIST UUIWINO MAINTENANCE JdknIX? Sp Dougl& M. Cheryl E Scof Lori %her Ken Wth Robert Murry Lwhe Ann Gearhart kmdaJones r E c n N l a L SUP~DRT Jonathan Garbison C u s i w E a s E a v l C E Linda Morrow, Mgr. Laura Bathe-McNelly Jennie Enos JoyJohnson MARKETING DIRECTOR PROJECT SUPPLES SHIPPINODEPIRTMENT lanmJuhl DZarei Hoob~. J w &r~0n,SUP GloriaSheeBaa Ilonald &mg DonnieMeVey T he premiere issue of a new magazine sets the stage for all the ideas and stories to be told in the years to come. This first issue of ShqnNotes was born of a trait common to all woodworkers. . . we like to talk about our shops, the tools we use, the techniques, and the way things work. That's what you'll find in ShopNotes. The whole idea is to have a magazine that's dedicated entirely to your shop. If you like working in your shop, even when you're not building a particular project, maybe just puttering around, this magazine ought to appeal to you. IDEAS. When we f r s t started talking about the idea of this new magazine, we were in the Woodsmith shop. (Woodsmith is a magazine for woodworkers that has plans for building furniture and small projects, and the techniques that go along with them.) As we looked around the shop, we began talkmg about all the tips, shop projects, and new ideas that could he in ShopNotes. ROUTER TABLE.For example, in this issue we're featuring an all-new design for a router table. This all started with the router table shown in Woodsmith almost 10 years ago. We've built a lot of projects on that old table, and we've had a lot of ideas for improving the original design. The new Router Table is presented in a way so you can choose the parts of the table that work best for you. Build just the table top with the phenolic insert, or build the new fence with the T-slot for addmg accessories. (If you don't build anything else, the fence is worth looking at.) As a bonus in this premiere issue, we've also added a special plans section for an enclosed router table cabinet. JIGS AND ACCESSORIES. The one area that arobablv has the most interest ?or wodhworkers are the special jigs and accessories that help you get the most out of your tools. In this issue we're showing three accessories for your table saw. And in future issues we will show jigs for your band saw, drill press, radial arm saw, router, and all the other tools in your shop. TOOLS. AS we began talking about tools themselves, it started a little controversy. How should we approach tool reviews? We didn't want to list all the routers, for example, on the market a with
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