Mathematics For Engineers I: Basic Calculus

E-Book Overview

"Mathematics for Engineers I" gehort zu einer vierbandigen Reihe und gibt eine Einfuhrung in die Mathematik fur Undergraduates, die ein Bachelor-Studium im Bereich Ingenieurwissenschaften aufgenommen haben. In Band I sind die Grundzuge des klassischen Calculus dargestellt. Die Reihe unterscheidet sich von traditionellen Texten dadurch, dass sie interaktiv ist und mit Hilfe des Computer-Algebra-Systems Mathematica die Berechnungen darstellt. Jedem Buch liegt eine CD bei, die die Rechenprogramme und den vollstandigen Text in Mathemetica enthalt. Den Studierenden eroffnet sich so die Moglichkeit, interaktiv die Vorlesungsmaterialien nachzuvollziehen und die Fragestellungen des Texts sowie der Beispiele mit Unterstutzung von Mathematica zu losen.

E-Book Content

Mathematics for Engineers I Basic Calculus by Gerd Baumann Oldenbourg Verlag München Prof. Dr. Gerd Baumann is head of Mathematics Department at German University Cairo (GUC). Before he was Professor at the Department of Mathematical Physics at the University of Ulm. © 2010 Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH Rosenheimer Straße 145, D-81671 München Telefon: (089) 45051-0 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. Editor: Kathrin Mönch Producer: Anna Grosser Cover design: Kochan & Partner, München Printed on acid-free and chlorine-free paper Printing: Druckhaus „Thomas Müntzer“ GmbH, Bad Langensalza ISBN 978-3-486-59038-8 Preface Theory without Practice is empty, Practice without Theory is blind. The current text Mathematics for Engineers is a collection of four volumes covering the first three up to the fifth terms in undergraduate education. The text is mainly written for engineers but might be useful for students of applied mathematics and mathematical physics, too. Students and lecturers will find more material in the volumes than a traditional lecture will be able to cover. The organization of each of the volumes is done in a systematic way so that students will find an approach to mathematics. Lecturers will select their own material for their needs and purposes to conduct their lecture to students. For students the volumes are helpful for their studies at home and for their preparation for exams. In addition the books may be also useful for private study and continuing education in mathematics. The large number of examples, applications, and comments should help the students to strengthen their knowledge. The volumes are organized as follows: Volume I treats basic calculus with differential and integral calculus of single valued functions. We use a systematic approach following a bottom -up strategy to introduce the different terms needed. Volume II covers series and sequences and first order differential equations as a calculus part. The second part of the volume is related to linear algebra. Volume III treats vector calculus and differential equations of higher order. In Volume IV we use the material of the previous volumes in numerical applications; it is related to numerical methods and practical calculations. Each of the volumes is accompani ed by a CD containing the Mathematica notebooks of the book. As prerequisites we assume that students had the basic high school education in algebra and geometry. However, the presentation of the material starts with the very elementary subjects like numbers and introduces in a systematic way step by step the concepts for functions. This allows us to repeat most of vi Mathematics for Engineers the material known from high school in a systematic way, and in a broader frame. This way the reader will be able to use and categorize his k
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