Flag (dk Eyewitness Books)

E-Book Overview

Featuring an extra-sturdy library binding! Here is a spectacular and informative guide to the history of flags around the world. Superb color photographs give the reader a unique "eyewitness" insight into the story of flags -- from the earliest heraldic banners to the national flags of today. See the flag of a Chinese pirate ship, the banners of medieval knights and the standards of modern generals, the flags of the French and Russian revolutions, and the national flags of 160 different countries. Learn how to signal by semaphore, how to hoist a flag, why stars and stripes features in the American flag, how flags were hoisted on the Moon and at the South Pole, and how fascinating ceremonies connected with flags have evolved. Discover how Britain's Union Jack has changed over the years, the story behind the Japanese "rising sun," when a flag is flown as half mast, why many Dutch flags feature a picture of a hat on the end of a pole, what the stars on the Australian flag represent, and much, much more!

E-Book Content

Eyewitness FLAG Eyewitness Flag Japanese naval ensign from World War II, with Rising Sun design Bunting Chinese flag, 19th century, with figure of winged tiger British heraldic crest with flag Eyewitness Flag Written by WILLIAM CRAMPTON Dice from early 20th-century flag game Badges from World War I, showing flags of France, Great Britain, and Belgium Sled flag used on an Antarctic survey, c. 1902 DK Publishing, Inc. Chinese nationalist flag of the 1920s Olive branches, common symbol of peace Plastic marker flags used in sports events London, New York, Melbourne, Munich, and Delhi Project editor╇ Phil Wilkinson Art editor╇ Peter Bailey Senior editor╇ Sophie Mitchell Senior art editor╇ Julia Harris Managing art editor╇ Roger Priddy Managing editor╇ Sue Unstead Consultant╇ Jos Poels British heraldic shield This Eyewitness ® Book has been conceived by Dorling Kindersley Limited and Editions Gallimard © 1989 Dorling Kindersley Limited This edition © 2000 Dorling Kindersley Limited First American edition, 1989 Published in the United States by Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc. 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014 6 8 10 9 7 Seal of King Edward VII All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited. Dorling Kindersley books are available at special discounts for bulk purchases for sales promotions or premiums. Special editions, including personalized covers, excerpts of existing guides, and corporate imprints can be created in large quantities for specific needs. For more information, contact Special Markets Dept. Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc. Fax: (800) 600-9098 Flag flown over headquarters of a commando unit during World War II Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Crampton, W. G. (William G.) Flag / written by William Crampton; photography by Karl Shone and Martin Plomer. p. cm. — (Eyewitness Books) Includes index. Summary: A photographic essay about flags from countries all over the world and such special flags as signal flags for ships and boats, flags for special festivals and sports, political flags, and coats of arms. Also includes information about the meaning of shapes and colors on flags. 1. Flags — Juvenile literature. [Flags.] I. Shone, Karl, ill.╇ II. Plomer, Martin, ill.╇ III. Title. CR109.C72 2000 929.9’2 — dcl9 88-27174 ISBN 978-0-7894-6565-8 (ALB) ISB