Toc: Cover Title Copyright Contents Introduction Old School, New School GLOSSARY Wundt's introspection Watson's behaviourism Psychoanalysis profile: Sigmund Freud The cognitive revolution Evolutionary psychology Positive psychology Growth & Change GLOSSARY Piaget's stages Vygotsky's zone Birth order profile: Jean Piaget Harlow's monkeys Kohlberg's moral stages Neuroplasticity Decision Making & Emotions GLOSSARY Ekman's universal emotions Festinger's boring task James-Lange theory of emotion profile: William James Damasio's emotional decision making. Wason's confirmation biasBaumeister's ego depletion Kahneman & Tversky's prospect theory Social Psychology GLOSSARY The bystander effect Janis' groupthink Allport's contact hypothesis Zimbardo's prison profile: Stanley Milgram Milgram's obedience study Stereotype threat Follow the leader Ways We Differ GLOSSARY The Lake Wobegon effect The big five Fundamental attribution error profile: Hans Eysenck Nature via nurture The Flynn effect Ericsson's 10,000-hour rule Nominative determinism Disordered Minds GLOSSARY Sperry's split brains Seligman's prepared learning. Charcot's hysteriaRosenhan's insane places profile: Aaron Beck Kapur's aberrant salience Maslow's humanistic psychology Beck's cognitive therapy Extreme male brains Thoughts & Language GLOSSARY The placebo effect Pavlov's dogs Sapir-Whorf hypothesis Chomsky's universal grammar Loftus' false memories profile: Elizabeth Loftus Embodied cogn