A Winning Attitude (2004)

E-Book Overview

With 'A Winning Attitude' aims to enable readers to be motivated, self-guided, do right by others, open the way to empathy and become caring and compassionate.

E-Book Content

A Winning Attitude To Change your Life, Change your Attitude Rosie Hamilton McGinty Copyright © Rosie Hamilton McGinty 2000 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, nor transmitted, nor translated into a machine language, without the written permission of the publisher. Hamilton McGinty Personal Development Consultants 2 Aldingbourne House Aldingbourne Drive Crockerhill Chichester West Sussex PO18 OLG E Mail: [email protected] ISBN 1 84024 110 1 Printed and bound by Caledonian International Book Manufacturers, Glasgow. To my two sons Andy and Matt who have been ‘the light of my life’. A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Introduction The Code of Emotional Literacy The basis of one’s character is Selfdiscipline, the virtuous life - based on selfcontrol. Strength of character is being able to motivate and guide oneself, whether in doing work, finishing a job or getting up in the morning. We need to be in control of ourselves, our appetites, our passions and to do right by others. It takes WILL 4 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E to keep emotion under the control of reason. Being able to put aside one’s selfcentred focus and impulses has social benefits: It opens the way to empathy, to real listening, to taking another person’s perspective. Empathy leads to caring and compassion. Seeing things from another’s perspective breeds tolerance and acceptance. In this sense emotional literacy goes hand in hand with education for character, for moral development and citizenship. 5 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Develop Good Character Ethics Character ethics: A set of moral principals – a personal code of right conduct. Always do what is morally and ethically correct, it keeps your conscious clear. 6 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Enthusiasm A positive attitude attracts others – always demonstrate enthusiasm in whatever you say and do. 7 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Pride When you respect yourself others will respect you. Take pride in your individuality. 8 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Honesty Be trustworthy. Start by being honest with yourself. 9 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Fidelity Faithfulness and Loyalty. Build solid foundations in your relationships through good communication. Learn to share your problems. 10 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Courage Ability to control or suppress fear. Turn fear into faith and go forward. 11 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Integrity Honesty and Wholeness. Develop a character based on love and compassion. Integrity cannot be purchased, develop it now. 12 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Modesty Unpretentious. Develop self-confidence and drop the ego. Be proud of who you are. 13 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Humility Manners - humble attitude of mind. Develop courtesy and modesty in your dealings with others. 14 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Justice Fairness - exercise authority. Trust that justice goes with truth. 15 A W I N N I N G A T T I T U D E Industry Diligence - business activity. The more effor
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