An Algorithmic Theory Of Numbers, Graphs, And Convexity

E-Book Overview

A study of how complexity questions in computing interact with classical mathematics in the numerical analysis of issues in algorithm design. Algorithmic designers concerned with linear and nonlinear combinatorial optimization will find this volume especially useful.

Two algorithms are studied in detail: the ellipsoid method and the simultaneous diophantine approximation method. Although both were developed to study, on a theoretical level, the feasibility of computing some specialized problems in polynomial time, they appear to have practical applications. The book first describes use of the simultaneous diophantine method to develop sophisticated rounding procedures. Then a model is described to compute upper and lower bounds on various measures of convex bodies. Use of the two algorithms is brought together by the author in a study of polyhedra with rational vertices. The book closes with some applications of the results to combinatorial optimization.

E-Book Content

CBMS-NSF REGIONAL CONFERENCE SERIES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS A series of lectures on topics of current research interest in applied mathematics under the direction of the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences, supported by the National Science Foundation and published by SIAM. GARRETT BIRKHOFF, The Numerical Solution of Elliptic Equations D. V. LINDLEY, Bayesian Statistics, A Review R. S. VARGA, Functional Analysis and Approximation Theory in Numerical Analysis R. R. BAHADUR, Some Limit Theorems in Statistics PATRICK BILLINGSLEY, Weak Convergence of Measures: Applications in Probability J. L. LIONS, Some Aspects of the Optimal Control of Distributed Parameter Systems ROGER PENROSE, Techniques of Differential Topology in Relativity HERMAN CHERNOFF, Sequential Analysis and Optimal Design J. DURBIN, Distribution Theory for Tests Based on the Sample Distribution Function SOL I. RUBINOW, Mathematical Problems in the Biological Sciences P. D. LAX, Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws and the Mathematical Theory of Shock Waves I. J. SCHOENBERG, Cardinal Spline Interpolation IVAN SINGER, The Theory of Best Approximation and Functional Analysis WERNER C. RHEINBOLDT, Methods of Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations HANS F. WEINBERGER, Variational Methods for Eigenvalue Approximation R. TYRRELL ROCKAFELLAR, Conjugate Duality and Optimization SIR JAMES LIGHTHILL, Mathematical Biofluiddynamics GERARD SALTON, Theory of Indexing CATHLEEN S. MORAWETZ, Notes on Time Decay and Scattering for Some Hyperbolic Problems F. HOPPENSTEADT, Mathematical Theories of Populations: Demographics, Genetics and Epidemics RICHARD ASKEY, Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions L. E. PAYNE, Improperly Posed Problems in Partial Differential Equations S. ROSEN, Lectures on the Measurement and Evaluation of the Performance of Computing Systems HERBERT B. KELLER, Numerical Solution of Two Point Boundary Value Problems J. P. LASALLE, The Stability of Dynamical Systems - Z. ARTSTEIN, Appendix A: Limiting Equations and Stability of Nonautonomous Ordinary Differential Equations D. GOTTLIEB AND S. A. ORSZAG, Numerical Analysis of Spectral Methods: Theory and Applications PETER J. HUBER, Robust Statistical Procedures HERBERT SOLOMON, Geometric Probability FRED S. ROBERTS, Graph Theory and Its Applications to Problems of Society JURIS HARTMANIS, Feasible Computations and Provable Complexity Properties ZOHAR MANNA, Lectures on the Logic of Computer Programming ELLIS L. JOHNSON, Integer Programming: Facets, Subadditivity, and Duality for Group and SemiGroup Problems SHMUEL WINOGRAD, Arithmetic Complexity of Computations J. F. C. KINGMAN, Mathematics of Genetic Diversity MORTON E. GURTIN, Topics in Finite Elasticity THOMAS G. KURTZ, Approximation of Population Processes (continued on inside back cover) An Algorithmic Theory of Numbers, Graphs and Convexity This page intentionally
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