There’s No Such Thing As A Dragon

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There's No SuchThing As A Dragon by JACK RENT THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS A DRAGON Story and by JACK KENT Pictures A GOLDEN BOOK - NEW YORK Western Publishing Company, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin 53404 Copyright © 1975 by Western Publishing Company. Inc. All rights reserved. Printed In the U.SA No part of this book may be reproduced or copied In any form without written permission from the publisher. GOLDEN®, GOLDEN & DESIGN®. A GOLDEN LOOK-LOOK® BOOK and A GOLDEN BOOK® are trademarks of Western Publishing Company. Inc. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-51913 ISBN 0-307-1 1841-X mcmxciii Billy Bixbee was rather surprised when he woke up one morning and found a dragon in his room. It was a small dragon, about the size of a kitten. The dragon wagged Billy patted its head. its tail happily when % Billy went downstairs to tell his mother. "There's no such thing as a dragon!" said Billy's mother. she meant it. And she said it like Billy went back to his room and began to dress. The dragon came close to Billy and wagged its tail. But Billy didn't pat it. If there's no such thing as something, it it's silly on the head. to pat Billy washed his face and hands and went down to breakfast. The dragon went along. It was bigger now, almost the size of a dog. down at the table. The dragon sat down ON the Billy sat This wasn't sort of thing much said there Billy's was not usually permitted, but there mother could do about was no such thing such thing, you can't tell it as a dragon. to get table. down it. She had already if there's no And off the table. Mother made some pancakes for Billy, but the dragon Mother made some more. But the dragon ate those, too. ate Mother kept making pancakes them until she ran out of batter. Billy only got one of them, but he said that's all all. he really wanted, anyway. Billy went upstairs to brush his teeth. Mother started The dragon, who was quite as big as Mother made himself comfortable on the hall rug and clearing the table. by this time, went to sleep. By the time Billy grown so much he way came back downstairs filled of the living room, to get to "I didn't the dragon had the hall. Billy had to go around by know dragons grew where his mother was. so fast!" said Billy. "There's no such thing as a dragon!" said Mother firmly. Cleaning the downstairs took Mother all morning, what with the dragon in the way and having to climb in and out of windows to get from room to room. *>C ^^"^! By noon filled the house. Its head hung out the hung out the back door, and there wasn't a the house that didn't have some part of the dragon in front door, room in the dragon its tail it. When the dragon awoke from his nap he was hungry. A bakery truck went by. The smell of fresh bread was more than the dragon could resist. The dragon ran down the street after the bakery truck. The house went the shell