Ways To Appease Anger

E-Book Overview

Phnom Penh: Phnom Penh Printing House, 2009. — 45 p.
Бут Савонг (агга пандит). Пути успокоения гнева (на англ. яз.).
<strong>Table of Contents: Introduction: How anger could be appeased. Mental impurities of the angered. Demerit of anger. Goodness of others. Self-punishment is just a form of fulfilling enemy's wishes. Being angry means causing pain to ourselves. Inheritance of Kamma. Past life stories of Lord Buddha. Kinsmen in Samsara, endless cycle of life transmigration. The merit of loving-kindness. The division of elements. Causes and effects, and practices of generosity. Buddhist proverbs. The Merit of appeasing anger: Explanation.

E-Book Content

Table of Contents Titles Pages Introduction: How anger could be appeased 1-Reflexion on mental impurities of the angered 2-Reflexion on demerit of anger 3-Re:flexion on goodness of others 4-Re:flecting that self-punishment is just a form of fulfilling enemy's wishes 1 4 6 9 11 5-Reflexion on being angry means causing painto ourselves 13 16 6-Reflexion on inheritance ofKamma 18 7-Re:flexion on past life stories ofLord Buddha 8-Re:flexion on kinsmen in Samsara, endless cycle of life transmigration 26 9-Re:flexion on the merit of loving-kindness 29 34 10-Reflexion on the division of elements 11-Reflexion on causes and effects, and practices of generosity 12-Reflexion on Buddhist proverbs The Merit of appeasing anger Explanation A 38 41 45 51 ay Hommage to Triple Gems May I salute the Enlightened One. He who radiates compassion to beings in the three realms. He who wakes up with great wisdom, He who has incomparable virtues, May I salute The Great Dharma With uncountable goodness to save the world. May I salute The Great Sangha, field of merit, who preserves Buddhism. NATTHI DOSASAMO GAHO More terrifie d than robbery is the danger produced by vicious hate. It leads us to the world of suffering That is beyond any description. ATTA HAVE JITAM SEYYO Anger, a bad robber, is in our body. To conquer oneself results in a calm glory, It is good and beneficial beyond any doubt. AKKODHENA JINE KODHAM Buddha taught that we could get rid of anger If we live with a compassionate life. Anger is to be defeated by non-anger. B COPYRIGHT © 2009 By Dhamma4Khmer2.org Published for free distribution (not to be sold) All rights reserved. No part of this work is Allowed to reproduce for commercial purposes in any form or by any electronic means without the prior writ t en permission of the publisher. Exception is made for individuals, groups, and Buddhist organizations to reproduce it for distribution as Dhamma gift. Printed in Phnom Penh, Cambodia by Phnom Penh Printing House For more information contact: [email protected] c INTRODUCTION How Anger Could Be Appeased Buddhism is a religion of compassion. The Enlightened One has great virtues that are divided into many parts in which the Greatest One is the Virtue of Compassion. All Buddhists lay-people are taught to cultivate compassion, to mutually help one another in physical and verbal actions, and to have right intention. Although they have not do anything useful, Buddhist followers should develop loving-kindness and dedicate it to all beings and other creatures to have them live in peace and free from all fears and vindictiveness. However, Metta (loving-kindness) has a major rival which is Kodha, anger. Anger, an enemy of Metta, always prevents lovingkindness from developing. People prone to anger, once anger arises, they handle things very roughly including throwi
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