Encyclopedic Dictionary Of Named Processes In Chemical Technology

E-Book Overview

This book is singularly devoted to naming those chemical processes that are not self-explanatory and obvious. Containing nearly 135,000 entries, this second edition includes new information on the many new processes developed and commercialized as well as new information on old processes which has recently come to light. The appendix lists each process according to its end products assisting readers who do not know the actual name of the process but know its end product. - Names each chemical process - Explains the workings of the specific process - Provides a brief narrative of the process - summarizing its commercial history and identifying the person developing the process

E-Book Content

“FrontMatter.” Encyclopedic Dictionary of Named Processes in Chemical Technology Ed. Alan E. Comyns Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000 CONTENTS Dictionary Bibliography Appendix: Key to Products © 1999 by CRC PRESS LLC DEDICATION Dedicated to the generations of industrial chemists and engineers whose ingenuity has given us the materials of civilization. © 1999 by CRC PRESS LLC AUTHOR Dr. Alan Comyns has had an unusually varied career in academic, government, and industrial research laboratories. He graduated with first class honors in chemistry from the University of London at the age of nineteen. His Ph.D. work, carried out in the HughesIngold school of physical-organic chemistry at University College London, was followed by post-doctoral studies in the United States at Caltech and the University of Wisconsin. He has worked at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell (U.K.), British Titan Products (now Tioxide Ltd.), U.K., Westinghouse Electric in Pittsburgh, and National Lead in New Jersey. From 1974 to 1988 he was Product Research Manager, later Chief Scientist, at Laporte Industries in Widnes (U.K.). In the 1980s he was a part-time Vi
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