First Thought, Best Thought: 108 Poems

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PQ1~. 7 FIRST THOUGHT BEST THOUGHT ..,.. Copyrighted material Plroto by Gtorgt Holmts opynqhtcct rr 11enal •• CHOGYAM TRUNGPA irst est 108 Poems Edited by David I. Rome Introduction by Allen Ginsberg SHAMBHALA Boulder & London 1983 Copyrighted material SHAMBHALA PUBLICATIONS INC. 1920 13th Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 © 1983 by Chogyam Trungpa 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First Edition All rights reserved. Distributed in the United States by Random H ouse and in Canada by Random H ouse of Canada Ltd. Distributed in the United Kingdom by Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. , London and Henley-on-Thames. Printed in the United States of America. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING IN PUBLICATION DATA Trungpa, Chogyam, 1939First thought, best thought. 1. Buddhist poetry, American. I. Title. PS3570. R84FS 1983 811 '.54 83-42806 ISBN 0-87773-092- X (pbk .) ISBN 0-394-73269-3 (Random House; pbk.) Copyrighted material This book is dedicated to Milarepa, the poet-yogi of the Kagyii lineage, who has inspired me since my childhood. Copyrighted material Copyrighted material CONTENTS PREFACE . X IX EDITOR' S PR EFACE .. XXII 1. The Spontaneous Song of Entering into the Blessings and Profound Sa maya of the Only Father Guru 1 2. Stray Dog 3. The Song of the Wanderer 4. 5. Listen, listen 5 Whistling grasses of the Esk Va/Jey 6. 7. Song 8 In the north o[ the sky 8. 9. Goodbye and W elcomc 11 Meteoric iron mountain 12 3 4 6 9 10. The Zen teacher 13 11 American Good Intentions 12. First Thought 13 Samsara and Nirvana 14 Gain and Loss 21 15. Cynical Letter 23 16. Dignified Rocky Mountain 17. Philosopher Fool 14 17 19 24 25 Does Jove ki/J anybody? 27 19. A Letter to Marpa 29 20. Aphorisms 31 21. The Nameless Child 33 22. The Myth of Freedom 35 23 H aiku 37 18. 24. The red flag flies 38 25. The sword of hatred 39 Copyrighted material 26. Silk Road 41 42 28. Trans World Air 29. 31. A flower is always happy 44 True Tantra Groupie 45 Glorious Bhagavad-Ghetto 47 32. Tail of the Tiger 33. 34. Naropa Institute, 1974 Perna Yumtso 55 35. To Britain's Health 57 36. Supplication to the Emperor 60 37. Literal Mathematics 38. 39. One way 64 Shasta Road 65 40. Palm is 66 41 . Burdensome 68 42. T sondrii Namkha 43. Perna Semma 44. Dying Laughing 73 45. Kiinga Garma 75 46. 1111 Pearl Street : Victory Chatter 79 47. Wait and Think 48. Missing the Point 83 49. RMDC, Route 1, Livermo re 50. To Gesar of Ling 51. Love's Fool 52. Report from Loveland 53. 1018 Spruce Street (and K .A.) 54. 1135 lOth Street (and G.M.) 95 55. 1111 Pearl Street (and D.S.) 97 56. 78 Fifth A venue 57. The Alden (and T homas Frederick ) 58. Commentary on " The Alden (and Thomas Frederick)" 30. 43 48 49 62 69 71 81 85 <
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