Test Your Chess

E-Book Overview

This book offers a variety of entertaining and thought-provoking exercises in fundamental chess skills. It will help players of all standards to identify strengths and pinpoint areas of their play that need their attention. The first half of the book tests the player's ability in each part of the game. Opening Exercises test the player's ability to develop harmoniously and to find creative solutions in the first part of the game. The middlegame section assesses the player's proficiency at making decisions relating to attack and defense, prophylactic thinking and finding the correct plan. The endgame challenges focus on the basic essential knowledge that often decides real-life games. The second half of the book is comprised of "How Good Is Your Chess" exercises, where the reader is asked to follow one side through a complete game, trying to guess each move as if playing a real game. Points are awarded according to accuracy of the reader's decisions. Full, detailed solutions are given to all exercises.

E-Book Content

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