Morphometry Of Drainage Basins

E-Book Overview

The book describes the drainage basin as a system unit resulting from the interaction between runoff and topography - a lengthy process of evolution that occurs according to well-defined laws. It aims not to quantify the agents which created the present forms, but to analyse the forms themselves in order to establish the laws according to which they develop, and to define a series of inter-relationships between morphometrical parameters and river discharge.

E-Book Content

MORPHOMETRY OF DRAINAGE BASINS DEVELOPMENTS 1N WATER SCIENCE, 20 OTHER TITLES IN THIS S E R L b 1 G. BUGLIARELLO AND F. GUNTER COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND WATER RESOURCES 2 H. L. GOLTERMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL LIMNOLOGY 3 Y. Y. HA1MES.W. A. HALL AND H.T. FREEDMAN MULTIOBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION IN WATER RESOURCES SYSTEMS : THE SURROGATE WORTH TRADE-OFF METHOD 4 J. J. FRIED GROUNDWATER POLLUTION 5 N. RAJARATNAM TURBULENT JETS 6 D. STEPHENSON PIPELINE DESIGN FOR WATER ENGINEERS 7 v. HALEK AND J. SVEC GROUNDWATER HYDRAULICS 8 J. BALEK HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES IN TROPICAL AFRICA 9 T. A. McMAHON AND R. G. MElN RESERVOtR CAPACITY AND YIELD 10 G. KOVACS SEEPAGE HYDRAULICS 11 W, H. GRAF AND C. H. MORTIMER (EDITORS) HYDRODYNAMICS OF LAKES : PROCEEDINGS OF A SYMPOSIUM 12 -13 OCTOBER, 1978s LAUSANNE, SWiTZERLAND 12 W. BACK AND D.A. STEPHENSON (EDITORS) CONTEMPORARY HYDROGEOLOGY :THE GEORGE BURKE MAXEY MEMORIAL VOLUME 13 M. A. M A R I ~ OAND J. N. LUTHIN SEEPAGE AND GROUNDWATER 14 D. STEPHENSON STORMWATER HYDROLOGY AND DRAINAGE 15 D. STEPHENSON PIPELINE DESIGN FOR WATER ENGINEERS (completely revised edition of Vol. 6 in the series) 16 W. BACK AND R. LETOLLE (EDITORS) SYMPOSIUM ON GEOCHEMISTRY OF GROUNDWATER 17 A. H. EL-SHAARAWI AND S. R. ESTERBY (EDITORS) TIME-SERIES METHODS IN HYDROSCIENCES 18 1. BALEK HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES IN TROPICAL REGIONS 19 D. STEPHENSON PIPEFLOW ANALYSIS BEVEMPMENTS IN WATER SCIENCE, 20 MORPHOMETRY OF DRAINAGE BASINS ION ZAVOIANU Institute of Geography, Bucharest, Romania ELSEVlER Amsterdam - Oxford - New York - Tokyo 1985 Second revised edition of the Romanian book MORFOMETRIA BAZINELOR HIDROGRAFICE by I. Zdvoianu Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romhnia, Bucharest, 1978 Translated from the Romanian by Adriana lonescu-Pa^ra^u Published in co-edition by EDITURA ACADEMIEI, Bucharest, and ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, Amsterdam Distribution of this book is being handled by the following publishers: for the U.S.A. and Canada ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, N Y 10017, U.S.A. for the East European Countries, China, Northern Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and Mongolia EDITURA ACADEMIEI REPUBLIC11 SOCIALIST€ ROMANIA Calea Victoriei 125 R-79717 Bucharest, Romania for a l l remaining areas ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS Molenwerf 1, P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Zgvoianu, Ion. Morphometry of drainage basins. (Developments in water science : 20) Rev. translation of: Morfometria bazine lor hidrografice. Bibliography : p. Includes index. 1. Watersheds. I. Title. I I . S9ries. GB562.Z3813 1985 551.48 84-21093 ISBN 0-444-99587-0 (Vol. 20) ISBN 0-444-41669-2 (Series) 0 Editura Academiei, Bucharest 1985 All rights reserved. N o part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form o r by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. Printed in Romania Contents .................................. ....................... ..............................
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