Britannica Discovery Library Volume 3 - People And Places

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About the pagination of this eBook Due to the unique page numbering scheme of this book, the electronic pagination of the eBook does not match the pagination of the printed version. To navigate the text, please use the electronic Table of Contents that appears alongside the eBook or the Search function. For citation purposes, use the page numbers that appear in the text. B R I TA N N I C A DI SC OV ER Y LIBRARY 3 P EOP LE AN D PL ACE S In this book, you will: discover interesting things about people and places. learn new words. answer fun questions. play a search game. find more activities at the back of the book. C HICAGO L ONDON N EW D ELHI PARIS S EOUL S YDNEY TAIPEI T OKYO You have friends and maybe some pets. All around you are the people and places you know. You know your neighborhood and lots of fun places to go. You know the people in your family. There are so many other people and places to find out about too! You know your bedroom and the other rooms in your house. y man w o H are ple o e p our in y y? il fam 2 What do see ou you your b tside edr windo oom w? fun What u do yo places go? like to 3 Le t’s go to the ! y t i c In big cities, the streets are full of traffic. The air is filled with noise. People crowd the sidewalks. On every street, people are rushing to get somewhere. Uptown, downtown, off to school or hurrying home— everyone has somewhere to go. So many people ! y r r in such a hu If you liv city, w e in a your c hat is ity lik e? 4 you a d n te ng Pre pendi ig b s are y in a da city. ou ill y u w yo at Wh while e? do e ther ar 5 People from all over the world come to live and work in big cities. Many people work in offices and stores. Some build houses or fix cars and trucks. Some people work as cleaners, drivers, or cooks. Others are teachers, police, and firefighters. Still others are doctors, dentists, and nurses, who help us stay healthy. There are so many different jobs a person could do! What anoth is e peopl r job e do i n the cit y? 6 t job Wha u like d yo woul do? to 7 The city has many fun things to do. You could visit a museum. There, you might see an airplane hanging from the ceiling. Or discover a room full of dinosaur bones! You could look at toys or tools from a long time ago. You might learn a lot about how things work. ! You can learn so much a m t a museu 8 9 You might see a play or watch a parade in the city. Can you find these things in the pictures here? a marching band two crazy clowns a girl with a cat a giant balloon a boy in a cape a statue of an angel someone on a horse 10 What fu would n thing you li to do ke in the city? 11 Le t’s vi sit the ! y r t n u co In the country, you won’t see as many buildings or cars. You might even be able to see the horizon. Outside the city, everything seems more peaceful. The air smells fresh, like flowers and grass. Preten are sp d you end day in ing a th countr e y . What will y ou do wh ile yo u are th ere? 12 You might hear a flock of birds all chirping at once. You might even hear the wind. 13 In the country, you can see and do lots of things. You might float in a boat down a quiet river. You could chase butterflies through a field. Maybe you would ride a pony or feed some ducks. You might build a fort in the woods… or climb a mountain. 14 15 You might help with these jobs if you visited a farm. Or you might crawl up in