Pedagogy And Human Movement: Theory, Practice, Research (international Studies In Physical Education And Youth Sport)

E-Book Overview

Across the full range of human movement studies and their many sub-disciplines, established institutional practices and forms of pedagogy are used to (re)produce valued knowledge about human movement. Pedagogy and Human Movement explores this pedagogy in detail to reveal its applications and meanings within individual fields. This unique book examines the epistemological assumptions underlying each of these pedagogical systems, and their successes and limitations as ways of (re)producing knowledge related to physical activity, the body, and health. It also considers how the pedagogical discourses and devices employed influence the ways of thinking, practice, dispositions and identities of those who work in the fields of sport, exercise and other human movement fields. With a scope that includes physical education, exercise and sports science, sports sociology and cultural studies, kinesiology, health promotion, human performance and dance, amongst other subjects, Pedagogy and Human Movement is the most comprehensive study of pedagogical cultures in human movement currently available. It is an invaluable resource for anybody with an interest in human movement studies.

E-Book Content

Pedagogy and Human Movement Across the full range of human movement studies (HMS) and their many sub-disciplines, established institutional practices and forms of pedagogy are used to (re)produce valued knowledge about human movement. Pedagogy and Human Movement explores this pedagogy in detail to reveal its applications and meanings within individual fields. This unique book examines the epistemological assumptions underlying each of these pedagogical systems, and their successes and limitations as ways of (re)producing knowledge related to physical activity, the body, and health. It also considers how the pedagogical discourses and devices employed influence the ways of thinking, practice, dispositions and identities of those who work in the fields of sport, exercise and other human movement fields. With a scope that includes physical education (PE), exercise and sports science, sports sociology and cultural studies, kinesiology, health promotion, human performance and dance, amongst other subjects, Pedagogy and Human Movement is the most comprehensive study of pedagogical cultures in human movement currently available. It is an invaluable resource for anybody with an interest in HMS. Richard Tinning is Professor of Pedagogy and Physical Education in the School of Human Movement Studies at the University of Queensland, Australia, and Adjunct Professor of Physical Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. As a teacher educator he has been involved in major Australian curriculum development projects for physical education, worked on large-scale professional development programs for teachers, and been a consultant to both schools and universities. His research interests are informed by a socially critical perspective and have focused on issues related to pedagogy, knowledge, identity and professional development. International Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport Series Editor: Richard Bailey Roehampton University, London, UK Routledge’s International Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport series aims to stimulate discussion on the theory and practice of school physical education, youth sport, childhood physical activity and well-being. By drawing on international perspectives, both in terms of the background of the contributors and the selection of the subject matter, the series seeks to make a distinctive contribution to our understanding of issues that continue to attract attention from policy makers, academics and practitioners. Also available in this series: Children, Obesity and Exercise Prevention, treatment and management of childhood and adolescent obesity Edited
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