E-Book Overview
Many students learn the details of skeletal anatomy but then find it difficult to relate that knowledge to real human beings when they present for clinical examination and assessment. This atlas fills the information gap between descriptive anatomy and pathology and helps the student make the link between the two. It addresses the clinical appearance of normal tissues and their function and provides guidance on how to examine and assess normal joints.The Atlas of Orthopedic Examination of the Peripheral Joints provides an invaluable source of reference to the members of all health care professions concerned with the management of orthopaedic problems.
E-Book Content
Copyrighted Material
C) rt h () I) C (j i ( Exanlirlati()n ()f tile rCri�)tlcral J()irlts Many students learn the details of skeletal anatomy but then find it difficult to relate that knowledge to real human beings when they present for clinical examination and assessment. This atlas aims to fill the information gap between descriptive and palpatory anatomy and to help the student make the link between the two. It addresses the clinical appearance of normal tissues and their function, and provides guidance on how to examine and assess normal joints.
Key features •
Introduces the basics of clinical examination
Provides step-by-step guidance to the clinical assessment of the peripheral joints and their associated tissues and structures
Details the examination of the major joints of the body one by one: Shoulder/Elbow/Wrist/Hip/Knee/Foot and describes the normal findings in healthy individuals
Emphasizes the importance of performing diagnostic movements correctly
Addresses the common mistakes in examination techniques and explains where people go wrong
Profusely illustrated with high quality photographs and diagrams
Text design ensures that the illustrations appear close to the relevant text
This Atlas of Orthopedic Examination of the Peripheral/oints will provide an invaluable source of reference for medical students and members of all health care professions concerned with the management of orthopedic problems.
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Copyrighted Material
Atlas of Orthopedic Examination of the Peripheral Joints
Copyrighted Material
IIIl1stratiolls by: Kevin Marks For W. 8. Sa"nders" Editorial Director, Health Sciences: Mary Law Head of Project Management: Ewan Halley Project Development Mallager: Dinah Thorn Sellior Desigller: Judith Wright
Copyrighted Material
Atlas of Orthopedic Examination of the Peripheral Joints
Ludwig Ombregt MD Medical Practitioner in Orthopedic Medicine. Kanegem. Belgium; International Lecturer in Orthopedic Medicine
Pierre Bisschop Physiotherapist specializing in Orthopedic Medicine, Knesselare, Belgium; International Lecturer in Orthopedic Medicine
� W. B. SAUNDERS Edinburgh. London. New York. Philadelphia. 51 Louis. Sydney. Toronto -1999
Copyrighted Material
An imprint of Harcourt Brace and Company limited
C Harcourt Brace and Company Limited 1999 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the prior permission of the publishers (Harcourt Brace and Company Limited, 24-28 Oval Road, London NWI 7DX), or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WI P OlP. First published 1999 ISBN 0 7020 2124 5 British Library Catalog