Psychotherapy With Children And Adolescents (cambridge Child And Adolescent Psychiatry)

E-Book Overview

This important volume examines the various problems facing practitioners who deal with disturbed young people, covering the principles and methods of psychotherapy in a wide range of settings. For example, how can clinicians accommodate treatments according to age and developmental status? How can techniques be adapted to include a broad range of specific disorders, from schizophrenia, depression, autism, anxiety and abuse to bed-wetting and stuttering? How far should parents be involved? What setting is most appropriate, group, individual, in-patient, or out-patient? How does the practitioner choose and assess the most effective treatment? This volume addresses these questions and will be essential reading for all mental health professionals involved in psychotherapy with young people.

E-Book Content

Psychotherapy with children and adolescents Many difficult questions are raised when psychotherapeutic techniques are applied to young people. In this important volume, covering the principles and methods of psychotherapy in a wide range of settings, Helmut Remschmidt and an eminent team of experts examine the various problems that face practitioners who deal with disturbed young people. How, for example, to accommodate existing treatments to age and developmental status? How to adapt psychotherapeutic techniques to a broad range of specific disorders, from schizophrenia, depression, autism, anxiety and abuse to bed-wetting and stuttering? How much training and involvement should be given to parents? How best to set the treatment: group, individual, inpatient, outpatient? How to choose and assess the most effective treatment: verbal, non-verbal, behavioural? What should the criteria be for assessing treatment? All these questions are examined, often with instructive case vignettes, alongside the most recent research findings and assessment tools available. All the major techniques of psychotherapy are covered, as are the principal disorders in which they may be of value. This will be essential reading for all mental health professionals using psychotherapy with young people. Helmut Remschmidt is an internationally renowned psychiatrist and clinical psychologist and Professor of Child Psychiatry at Philipps-University in Marburg, Germany. His current research interests include developmental psychopathology, schizophrenia, psychiatric genetics, therapy and evaluation. He is President of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions. Cambridge Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Child and adolescent psychiatry is an important and growing area of clinical psychiatry. The last decade has seen a rapid expansion of scientific knowledge in this field and has provided a new understanding of the underlying pathology of mental disorders in these age groups. This series is aimed at practitioners and researchers both in child and adolescent mental health services and developmental and clinical neuroscience. Focusing on psychopathology, it highlights those topics where the growth of knowledge has had the greatest impact on clinical practice and on the treatment and understanding of mental illness. Individual volumes benefit both from the international expertise of their contributors and a coherence generated through a uniform style and structure for the series. Each volume provides firstly an historical overview and a clear descriptive account of the psychopathology of a specific disorder or group of related disorders. These features then form the basis for a thorough critical review of the aetiology, natural history, management, prevention and impact on later adult adjustment. Whilst each volume is therefore complete in its own right, volumes also relate to each other to create a flexible and collectable series that should appeal to students as well as experienced scientists and practitioners. Edito
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