A History Of Chinese Mathematics

E-Book Overview

For the English language edition, this completely unique book of J.C. Martzloff has been fully revised and updated. It includes many new recent insights and illustrations, a new appendix on Chinese primary sources and a guide to the to the bibliography. From the reviews: "This book ranks with the most erudite Asian publications, and is the most informative and most broadly informed on its topic in any language."—N. Sivin, China Quarterly "... crammed with insights, cautionary tales and a great deal of information about current research ... will surely become a standard reference for students, teachers, and researchers alike"—J. N. Crossley, <em>Annals of Science "... a truly scholarly and balanced exposition ... a book that the reviewer believes belongs in the library of every university or college, as well as in that of every individual seriously interested in the history of Chinese mathematics"—B. L. McAllister, ZBfM "Martzloff History demonstrates clearly that while the Chinese were adept in applying their mathematics to a host of practical problems, including astronomy and engineering as well as commercial transactions, they also paid attention to algorithmic techniques, methods of calculation, geometric constructions, and even certain purely logical problems. But above all, what sets this book apart from the usual histories of mathemathics (in any language, Chinese or Western, of any period or country) is its emphasis first on context, then on content, in describing the long history of Chinese mathematics .... It is primarily the question of context that Martzloff approaches directly. Perhaps the greatest contribution his book makes is the chance it offers to consider issues of cultural context as significant, determining factors in the history of mathematics. Thus, Martzloff tries to get inside the Chinese mind, to explain how and why mathematics developed as it did in China, and often in ways strikingly different from its Western counterparts. Although he does not always account for these differences, he succeeds admirably in describing them, which results in a refreshingly rich sense of its evolution as well."—Joseph W. Dauben, <em>Historica Mathematica 20, 1993

E-Book Content

Martzloff A History of Chinese Mathematics From the July 1877 issue of the Gezhi huibian (The Chinese scientific and industrial magazine) Jean-Claude Mart doff A HISTORY OF Chinese Mathematics With Forewords by Jaques Gernet and Jean Dhombres With 185 Figures a- Springer Translator: Jean-Claude Martzloff Directeur de Recherche Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Institut des Hautes ~ t u d e Chinoises s 52, rue du Cardinal Lemoine 75321 Paris Cedex 05 France e-mail: [email protected] Stephen S. Wilson First Floor 19 St. George's Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire, GL5o 3DT Great Britain Title of the French original edition: Histoire des mathe'matiques chinoises. O Masson, Paris 1987 Cover Figure: After an engraving taken from the Zhiming suanfa (Clearly explained computational [arithmetical] methods). This popular book, edited by a certain Wang Ren'an at the end of the Qing dynasty, is widely influenced by Cheng Dawei's famous Suanfa longzong (General source of computational methods)(195z).Cf. Kodama Akihito (z'), 1970,pp. 46-52. The reproductions of the Stein 930 manuscript and a page of a Manchu manuscript preserved at the Bibliotheque Nationale (Fonds Mandchou no. 191) were made possible by the kind permission of the British Library (India Office and records) and the Bibliothkque Nationale, respectively. For this we express our sincere thanks. Corrected second printing of the first Englis