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Preface to the 2nd Edition In the 6 years since the publication of the first edition of Asthma and COPD there has been substantial progress in understanding the biological basis of both of these obstructive diseases. In contrast both our understanding of the physiological basis of these conditions and their treatment has improved very little. We firmly believe that the progress made in understanding the basic disease biology that has accrued since 2002 will lead, in the years to come to new and better treatments of these crippling obstructive airway diseases. As our knowledge advances, we now appreciate the areas of overlap and distinction between these two conditions which share many physiological similarities. Most of the chapters of this book highlight both the similarities and differences between these conditions. In this era of widely available information on the internet it is reasonable to ask what value is served by a book of this type? The answer is simple. The editors have assembled the world’s experts on these topics and commissioned them to write succinct reviews focusing on their particular area of expertise. For the student of the biology or treatment of these conditions, this compilation is an important resource of