Numerical Modelling Of Marine Hydrodynamics: Applications To Dynamic Physical Processes

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Numerical Modelling of Marine Hydrodynamics Applications to Dynamic Physical Processes FURTHER TITLES I N THIS SERIES 1 J.L. MERO THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE SEA 2 L.M. FOMIN THE DYNAMIC METHOD IN OCEANOGRAPHY 3 E.J.F. WOOD MICROBIOLOGY OF OCEANS AND ESTUARIES 4 G.NEUMANN OCEAN CURRENTS 5 N.G.JERLOV OPTICAL OCEANOGRAPHY 6 V.VACQUIER GEOMAGNETISM IN MARINE GEOLOGY 7 W.J. WALLACE THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHLORlNlTY/SALlNlTY CONCEPT I N OCEANOGRAPHY 8 E. LlSlTZlN SEA-LEVEL CHANGES 9 R.H.PARKER THE STUDY OF BENTHIC COMMUNITIES 10 J.C.J. NIHOUL (Editor) MODELLING OF MARINE SYSTEMS 11 0.1. MAMAY EV TEMPERATURE-SALINITY ANALYSIS OF WORLD OCEAN WATERS 12 E.J. FERGUSON WOOD and R.E. JOHANNES TROPICAL MARINE POLLUTION 13 E. STEEMANN NIELSEN MARINE PHOTOSYNTHESIS 14 N.G. JERLOV MARINE OPTICS 15 G.P. GLASBY MARINE MANGANESE DEPOSITS 16 V.M. KAMENKOVICH FUNDAMENTALS OF OCEAN DYNAMICS 17 R.A.GEYER SUBMERSIBLES AND THEIR USE IN OCEANOGRAPHY AND OCEAN ENGINEERING 18 J.W. CARUTHERS FUNDAMENTALS OF MARINE ACOUSTICS 19 J.C.J. NIHOUL (Editor) BOTTOM TURBULENCE 20 P.H. LEBLOND and L.A. MYSAK WAVES IN THE OCEAN 21 C.C. VON DER BORCH (Editor) SYNTHESIS OF DEEP-SEA DRILLING RESULTS IN THE INDIAN OCEAN 22 P. DEHLINGER MARINE GRAVITY 23 J.C.J. NIHOUL HYDRODYNAMICS OF ESTUARIES AND FJORDS 24 F.T. BANNER, M.B. COLLINS and K.S. MASSIE (Editors) THE NORTH-WEST EUROPEAN SHELF SEAS: THE SEA BED AND THE SEA IN MOTION 25 J.C.J. NIHOUL (Editor) MARINE P Elsevier Oceanography Series, 26 Numerical Modelling of Marine Hydrodynamics Applications to Dynamic Physical Processes HANS-GERHARD RAMMING Institute of Oceanography University of Hamburg Hamburg, Germany (GFR) and ZYGMUNT KOWALIK Institute of Meteorology Gdynia, Poland ELSEVIER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY Amsterdam - Oxford - New York 1980 ELSEVIER SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY 335 Jan van Galenstraat P.O. Box 211,1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands Distributors for the United States and Canada: ELSEVIER/NORTH-HOLLAND INC. 52, Vanderbilt Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Ramming, Hans-Gerhard. Numerical modelling of marine. hydrodynamics applications t o dynamic physic a 1 processes . (Elsevier oceanography series ; 26) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Oceanography-athematical models. 2. Hydrodynamics--Mathematical models. I. Kowalik, Z y m t , joint author. 11. Title. GC20j.E5 551.4'7'00184 79-24144 ISBN 0-44-41849-0 ISBN 0444-41849-0 (Vol. 26) ISBN 0-44441623-4 (series) 0 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1980 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, P.O. Box 330,1000 AH Amsterdam, The Netherlands Printed in The Netherlands V PREFACE By invitation of the Polish Academy of Science - Institute of Hydroengineering - Dr. Hans-Gerhard Ramming, lecturer at the Institute of Oceanography of the University of Hamburg, had the opportunity to hold a twenty-hour seminar on 'Numerical Modeis and Their Applications in Shallow Water Areas' in April 1 9 7 7 in Gdansk. The scripts presented on that occasion, some theoretical additions and extensions were the basis of this work put forward by the authors. The authors take pleasure in acknowledging the help and encouragement of many people who took part in the preparation of this book. Special thanks are due to our friend Dr. M. Laska who initiated the idea of this book and whose help in the preparation of the English language version is greatly appreciated. Great efforts were spent on the technical side. Here thanks are due in particular to Mrs. Agnes O'Ka
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