Professional Financial Advisor Ii: How The Financial Services Industry Hides The Ugly Truth

E-Book Content

Praise for The Professional Financial Advisor The financial services industry and the role of the financial advisor along with it are in a hyper state of evolution. To be candid, advisors who do no make the shift from "salesperson" to "professional" in regard to the scope of their services and the role they play in their clients' lives will find themselves on the outside looking in. The Professional Financial Advisor is an excellent resource, worthy of shelf space in advisors' offices across North America. —Dennis Moseley-Williams, Consultant, Pareto Systems A growing number of Canadians are concerned about the sorry state of investment counselling in this country, but it has taken a rare breed of bird—an insider with a conscience—to both identify the problems and propose solutions. John De Goey's book may not win him too many friends among advisors [...] but it will earn him thanks from small investors who, for too long, were convinced that somebody was picking their pockets. De Goey not only names the pickpockets, he identifies the best methods of eliminating them. —John Lawrence Reynolds, author of The Naked Investor Increasingly, consumers are seeking real value from their financial advisors. Consumers want a transparent partnership founded on trust and full disclosure. Separating financial advice from financial products provides benefits to both parties. John De Goey repeatedly illustrates how the "professionalization of financial advice" is a winning position for everyone. He demonstrates how prudent and knowledgeable advisors can save consumers time and money through this common-sense strategy. Consumers and advisors imperil their success if they avoid this profitable trend. —Dale Ennis, Publisher, Canadian Money Saver The ongoing health of any industry or organization is enhanced by periodic self-assessment, even when the results of that review are not always kind. John De Goey has presented a probing critical assessment of the world of financial planning, along with his passionate prescriptions for what ails it. —George Hartman, author of Risk Is Still a Four Letter Word In expressing his views about the tenets of truly professional advice-giving, John De Goey has steadfastly maintained a point of view that has raised the ire of some but should be of interest to all advisors and the investors they serve. De Goey deserves credit for stoking the flames of debate on such controversial issues as the structure of advisor compensation and the integrity of professional advice. —Darin Diehl, Publisher, Executive Editor, Advance praise for The Professional Financial Advisor II Many talk and write about fees but often forget the other parts of the equation: value provided in return and professional standards. John De Goey hits the nail squarely on the head. The candour and passion with which he presents and discusses these issues is refreshing. —Dan Hallett, CFA, CFP, President, Dan Hallett & Associates Inc. You don't have to agree with everything John De Goey says to concede that he plays in a higher league when it comes to ethics and doing what is right for the client. —Rob Carrick, the Globe and Mail A wise, provocative, and well-written book. It makes a convincing case that success comes from the application of the sound principles of professionalism. —David H. Maister, author of True Professionalism and co-author of The Trusted Advisor John De Goey's insights into what he terms "embedded compensation" and compensation biases made an important contribution to the development of the Fair Dealing Model and the articulation of the FDM and its goal to eliminate futile regulatory requirements while promoting true professionalism in the financial service industry. —Julia Dublin, Barrister and Solicitor, Alyesworth LLP There are a number of distinct schools of thought on how securities are priced and traded on the secondary ma
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