Islam: Questions And Answers - Inviting Others To Islam

E-Book Overview

This book, Inviting Others to Islam, is the nineteenth volume of a series of authoritative Islamic books entitled Islam: Questions And Answers.This Volume deals with Rulings on enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, Means of Da'wah, Qualities of one who calls people to Islam, Calling Muslims to Islam The overall series discuss issues relevant to Islam, and present accurate and reliable information based on the true beliefs and practices of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) and his companions. The objectives of the various books include:(1) to teach and familiarize Muslims with various aspects of their religion(2) to be a source for guiding people to Islam(3) to assist in solving the social and personal problems of the Muslims in an Islamic contextThe books are directed towards Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Subject areas include, but are not limited to, Islamic fiqh and jurisprudence, Islamic history, Islamic social laws (including marriage, divorce, contracts, and inheritance), Islamic finance, basic tenets and aqeedah of the Islamic faith and tawheed, and Arabic grammar as it relates to the Qur'an and Islamic texts.The books are compilations of questions and responses about Islam, from both Muslims and Non-Muslims. The responses are handled mainly by internationally re-nowned Islamic shaykhs and scholars, including Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, Ibn Katheer, al-Albaani, Shaykh Ibn Baaz, Ibn al-Jawzi, Ibn al-Qayyim, Al-'Izz ibn 'Abd al-Salaam, al-Nawawi, Shaykh 'Abd al-Kareem, al Khudayr, Al-Dhahabi, al -Qurtubi, Al-Sindi, al-Shawkaani and al-Bastawi using only authentic, scholarly sources based on the Qur'an and sunnah. References are provided where appropriate in the responses.The book provides the reader with cross references of other pertinent responses not necessarily in the same volume, but also in other volumes of the series. However, each volume is complete in itself. The book records accurately the answers the contributing Sheikhs and scholars gave to the questions put to them.

E-Book Content

Islam: Questions And Answers Volume 19 Inviting Others to Islam i ii Islam: Questions And Answers Volume 19 Inviting Others to Islam Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman B.Sc., DipHE iii © Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman, 2003 ISBN for all volumes 1 86179 080 5 ISBN for volume 19 paperback 1 86179 346 4 ISBN for volume 19 hardback 1 86179 347 2 ISBN for volume 19 pdf eBook 1 86179 348 0 ISBN for volume 19 Microsoft eBook 1 86179 349 9 ISBN for volume 19 Palm eBook 1 86179 350 2 All Rights reserved British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. A Catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Designed, Typeset and produced by: MSA Publication Limited, 4 Bello Close, Herne Hill, London SE24 9BW United Kingdom iv Contents Introduction .............................................................................. 1 Chapter 1................................................................................... 3 Rulings on enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil ........................................................................... 3 32725: She is complaining about her husband’s attachment to the Society for the Promotion of Virtue......................................................... 3 32693: Da’wah via private chat ...................................... 5 13450: I lose my temper with smokers – what should I do? ......................................................... 6 11403: Enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil ...................................................................... 9 8957: Denouncing evil actions in one’s heart ............... 14 10287: Ruling on justifying evil actions by saying that a lot of people are doing it .......................... 16 9287: Degrees o
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