Sas 9.2 Companion For Windows

E-Book Overview

Documents details of the user interface and the SAS language that are specific to the Windows operating environment. New information for SAS 9.2 includes details about running SAS under Windows Vista, Clean Work utility, submitting SAS jobs in batch mode, and using a remote browser to run SAS.

E-Book Content

1 1 P A R T Running SAS under Windows Chapter 1. . . . . . . . . . Getting Started Chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . . Interacting with SAS under Windows Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . . Using the SAS Editors Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . . Using SAS Files Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . Using External Files Chapter 6 . . . . . . . . . . Managing SAS Output Chapter 7 . . . . . . . . . . Performance Considerations 3 85 119 147 167 197 33 2 3 CHAPTER 1 Getting Started SAS: Exploiting the Power of Windows 4 SAS Runs in Enterprise Environments 4 An Integral Part of Your Windows Editions 5 Compatible and Maintainable 5 Read and Write SAS Data Sets from Previous Releases 5 Use the Graphical Interface or the Command Line Interface 5 Starting SAS 6 Use SAS Interactively or in Batch Mode 6 Starting from the Start Menu 6 Starting from Custom Shortcuts or Program Items 6 Starting from the Run Dialog Box or a Command Prompt 6 Specifying the SAS Configuration File 6 Using the Run Dialog Box 7 Using the SAS Command from the Command Prompt 7 Starting from a SAS File 7 Submitting a Batch SAS Job 8 How to Submit a Batch SAS Job 8 The Status Window 8 Canceling a Batch Job 8 Windowing Procedures in a Batch Job 8 Starting the Program Editor When SAS Starts 8 Determining the Current Folder When SAS Starts 9 Sample SAS Session 9 What If SAS Does Not Start? 12 Files Used by SAS 12 Introduction to Files Used by SAS 12 SAS Configuration Files 12 Purpose of Configuration Files 12 The Default Configuration File 13 Specifying System Options in a Configuration File 13 Creating a Customized Configuration File 14 Starting SAS with an Alternate Configuration File 14 How SAS Finds and Processes Configuration Files 15 Processing Options Specified by Additional CONFIG Options 18 SAS Autoexec File 18 Introduction to the SAS Autoexec File 18 The Default Autoexec File 18 Locating a Renamed Autoexec File 19 Uses for the Autoexec File 19 Suppressing the Autoexec File 19 Profile Catalog 20 4 SAS: Exploiting the Power of Windows 4 Chapter 1 Introduction to the Profile Catalog 20 The Default Profile Catalog 20 Changing the Location of the Profile Catalog 20 Deleting the Profile Catalog 20 Work Data Library 21 Introduction to the Work Data Library 21 The Default Work Folder 21 Specifying the Location of the Work Data Library 21 Temporary Subfolders 21 Deleting the Work Folder 21 SAS Registry Files 22 SAS Default Folder Structure 22 Submitting SAS Code 23 Introduction to Submitting SAS Code 23 Submitting Code from the Enhanced Editor or Program Editor 23 Submitting Code from the SAS NOTEPAD Text Editor 23 Running SAS in Batch Mode 24 Submitting a Batch SAS Job 24 Submitting Code from the Clipboard 24 Submitting Code by Dragging and Dropping 25 Introduction to Submitting Code by Dragging and Dropping 25 Dragging Text from Other Windows 25 Dragging Files in an Interactive Session 25 Submitting Code Stored in Registered SAS File Types 26 Interrupting Your SAS Session 26 Running Windows or MS-DOS Commands from within SAS 26 Overview of Running Windows or MS-DOS Commands from within SAS 26 Running Windows Commands Using the X Statement or the X Command 27 Using a DATA Step to Issue Conditional Operating System Commands Conditionally XWAIT System Option 28 XSYNC System Option 28 Comparison of the XWAIT and XSYNC System Options 29 Ter
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