Encyclopedia Of World Cultures

E-Book Overview

This volume, with one hundred new articles, supplements the award-winning 10-volume Encyclopedia of World Cultures, which was also organized and prepared by the Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) at Yale University, and published by G. K. Hall/Macmillan Library Reference between 1991 and 1996. The volume includes three kinds of entries. One kind is an important culture that was not included, for one reason or another, in the original encyclopedia. These new cultures are located in most regions of the world, but especially in Africa and North America. For example, Rwandans and Barundi are now included. New or updated articles on cultures that have been strongly affected by recent political events are a second kind of entry here. For example, the wars in the former Yugoslavia required expansions and updates of the articles on the Bosnian Muslims, Albanians, and Serbs, and the Afghanistan war called for revisions of the articles on the Tajiks and Uzbeks. Finally, there originally were only short entries on some important cultures, including some that are of classic interest in anthropology (for example, Crow, Zulu). These have now been expanded and updated. In preparing this supplement, we have asked for advice from many scholars and contributors.

E-Book Content

Encyclopedia of World Cultures SUPPLEMENT Encyclopedia of World Cultures SUPPLEMENT Encyclopedia of World Cultures Supplement Editors in Chief Kelvin Ember, President, Human Relations Area Files Carol R. Ember, Executive Directory Human Relations Area Files Ian Skoggard, Associate in Research, Human Relations Area Files Encyclopedia of World Cultures Supplement was prepared under the auspices and with the support of the Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (HRAF) at Yale University. The foremost international research organization in the field of cultural