E-Book Overview
In Political Agendas for Education: From the Religious Right to the Green Party, Second Edition, Joel Spring describes and analyzes the current educational agendas of major political players and organizations. His analyses of the interrelationships between right-wing think tanks and school reform, and the political background of proposals for school change, are unique among books dealing with the politics of education. This second edition covers the changes that occurred during the 2000 presidential election that led to the inauguration of George W. Bush. In a lively, anecdotal style, Spring portrays the underlying ideologies, as well as the nitty-gritty, day-to-day doings of the various players involved. The players range from the Evangelical Christians, the conservative think tanks, and the Bush Republicans--with their ideology of "compassionate conservatism"--to the arenas of centrist and leftist politics, spanning the New Democrats, the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, and the Green Party under the leadership of Ralph Nader. Additions and updates to the Second Edition include: *Compassionate Conservatives: The Republican Educational Agenda for the 21st Century *The Meaning of "Compassionate Conservatism" *Evolution Versus Creationism *The Manhattan Institute and George W. Bush's Educational Policies *The Republican Agenda for the 21st Century *Gore and the 2000 Presidential Campaign *What's Left of the Left? Ralph Nader and the Green Party *Ralph Nader, Consumerism, and Education Political Agendas for Education is of broad interest to educational scholars, professionals, and policymakers, and highly appropriate as a text for courses on the politics of education, foundations of education, sociology of education, and curriculum theory.
E-Book Content
Political Agendas for Education From the Religious Right to the Green Party Second Edition
Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education Joel Spring, Editor The Cultural Transformation of a Nutiwe American Family and Its Tribe 1763-1 995 Reagan Non-Westem Educational Traditions: Alternatiwe Approaches to Educntional Thought and Practice Peshkin Placesof Memory: Whiteman’s Schools and Natiwe American Communities Spring Political Agendas for Education: From the Christian Coalition to the Green Party Nespor Tangled U p in School: Politics, Space, Bodies, andSigns in the Educational Process Weinberg Asian-American Education: Historical Background and Current Realities Books, (Ed.) Invisible Children in the Society and Its Schools Shapiro/Purpel, (Eds.) Critical SocialIssues in American Edz~cation: Transformation in a Postmodern World, Second Edition Lipka/Mohatt/The Ciulistet Group Transforming the Culture of Schools: Yu’pik Eskimo Examples Benhammeck Culture and Educational Policy in Hawai’i: The Sikncing of Natiwe Voices Spring Education and the Riseof the Global Economy Pugach On the Border of Opportunity: Education, Community, and Language at the US-Mexico Line Hones/Cha Educating New Americans: Immigrant Liwes and Learning Gabbard, (Ed.) Knowledge and Power in the Global Economy: Politicsand the Rhetoric of School Reform Glander Origins of Mass Communications Research During the American Cold Mar: Educational Effects and Contemporary Implications Nieto, (Ed.) Puerto RicanStudentsin U.S. Schools Benham/Cooper, (Eds.) Indigenous Educational Models for Contemporary Practice: In Our Mother’s Voice Spring The Universal Right to Education: Justification, Definition, and Guidelines Reagan Non-Western Educational Traditions: Alternatiwe Approaches to Educational Thought and Practice, Second Edition Peshkin Pemlissible Adwantage?: The Moral Consequences of Elite Schooling DeCarvalho Rethinking Family-School Relations: A Critique of Parental Involvement in Schooling Borman/Stringfield/Slavin,(Eds.) Title I: Compensatory Education at the Crossroads Roberts Re