Reproductive Biology And Phylogeny Of Anura (reproductive Biology And Phylogeny, Vol 2)

E-Book Overview

This book covers the major aspects of phylogeny and reproductive biology of frogs in chapters written by major authorities. Topics treated are: anuran phylogeny, classification and reproductive modes; gross anatomy of the reproductive system; oogenesis; endocrinology of reproduction; spermatogenesis and the mature spermatozoon; breeding glands; internal fertilization and sperm storage, parental care; general development; and molecular development.

E-Book Content

Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Anura Volume edited by BARRIE G.M. JAMIESON Depavtment of Zoology and Entomology Univevsity of Queensland St. Lucia, Queensland Austval ia Volume 2 of Series: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny Series edited by BARRIE G.M. JAMIESON Department of Zoology and Entomology University of Queensland St. Lucia, Queensland Australia Science Publishers, Inc. Enfield ( N H ) , U S A Plymouth, UK Cover photographs reproduced by courtesy of Richard M. Lehtinen, Ronald A. Nussbaum and William Duellman. SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, INC. Post Office Box 699 Enfield, New Hampshire 03748 United States of America Internet site: sales (marketing department) [email protected](editorial department) info all other enquiries) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Reproductive biology and phylogeny of Anura/volume edied by \ Barrie G .M. Jamieson. p . cm.- - (Reproductive biology and phylogeny; v . 2 ) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 1-57808-288-9 1. Anura--Reproduction. 2. Anura--Phylogeny. I. Jamieson, Barrie G.M. (Barrie Gillean Molyneux) 11. Series. ISBN (Set) 1-57808-271-4 ISBN (Vol. 2) 1-57808-288-9 O 2003, Copyright Reserved All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission from the copyright owner. Application for such permission, with a statement of the purpose and extent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the publisher. Published by Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH, USA Printed in India Preface to the Series This series was founded by the present series editor in consultation with Science Publishers, Inc., in 1991.Whereas its precursor, 'Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates' published by Oxford & IBH in association with John Wiley & Sons, dealt with a given reproductive topic in a volume for all, or most, invertebrate groups, it was decided here to attempt to cover, as far as is feasible, the full panoply of reproduction in each volume for a specific taxonomic group and to extend the coverage to vertebrates. The new series bears the title 'Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny' and this title is followed in each volume with the name of the taxonomic group which is the subject of the volume. B.G.M. Jamieson is the founding series editor and each publication will have one or more invited volume editors and a large number of authors of international repute. The level of the taxonomic group which is the subject of each volume will vary according, largely, to the amount of information available on the group, the advice of proposed volume editors, and the interest expressed by the zoological community in the proposed work. The order of publication will reflect these concerns, and the availability of authors for the various chapters, and it is not proposed to proceed serially through the animal kingdom in a presumed phylogenetic sequence. Nevertheless, a second aspect of the series will be coverage of the phylogeny and classificationof the group, as a necessary framework for an und
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