Mass Transportation Security Equipment And Services In Japan: A Strategic Reference, 2007

E-Book Overview

The primary audience for this report is managers involved with the highest levels of the strategic planning process and consultants who help their clients with this task. The user will not only benefit from the hundreds of hours that went into the methodology and its application, but also from its alternative perspective on strategic planning relating to mass transportation security equipment and services in Japan. As the editor of this report, I am drawing on a methodology developed at INSEAD, an international business school ( For any given industry or sector, including mass transportation security equipment and services, the methodology decomposes a country’s strategic potential along four key dimensions: (1) latent demand, (2) micro-accessibility, (3) proxy operating pro-forma financials, and (4) macro-accessibility. A country may have very high latent demand, yet have low accessibility, making it a less attractive market than many smaller potential countries having higher levels of accessibility. With this perspective, this report provides both a micro and a macro strategic profile of mass transportation security equipment and services in Japan. It does so by compiling published information that directly relates to latent demand and accessibility, either at the micro or macro level. The reader new to Japan can quickly understand where Japan fits into a firm’s strategic perspective. In Chapter 2, the report investigates latent demand and micro-accessibility for mass transportation security equipment and services in Japan. In Chapters 3 and 4, the report covers proxy operating pro-forma financials and macro-accessibility in Japan. Macro-accessibility is a general evaluation of investment and business conditions in Japan.

E-Book Content

Mass Transportation Security Equipment and Services in Japan: A Strategic Reference, 2007 Edited by Philip M. Parker, Ph.D. Eli Lilly Chair Professor of Innovation, Business and Society INSEAD (Fontainebleau & Singapore) ©2007 Icon Group International, Inc. ii COPYRIGHT NOTICE ISBN 0-497-82329-2 All of ICON Group International, Inc. publications are copyrighted. Copying our publications in whole or in part, for whatever reason, is a violation of copyrights laws and can lead to penalties and fines. Should you want to copy tables, graphs, or other materials from our publications, please contact us to request permission. ICON Group International, Inc. often grants permission for very limited reproduction of our publications for internal use, press releases, and academic research. Such reproduction requires, however, confirmed permission from ICON Group International, Inc. Please read the full copyright notice, disclaimer, and user agreement provisions at the end of this report. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER Neither ICON Group International, Inc. nor its employees can be held accountable for the use and subsequent actions of the user of the information provided in this publication. Great efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the data, but we cannot guarantee, given the volume of information, accuracy. Since the information given in this report is forward-looking, the reader should read the disclaimer statement and user agreement provisions at the end of this report. ©2007 Icon Group International, Inc. iii About Icon Group International, Inc. Icon Group International, Inc.’s primary mission is to assist managers with their international information needs. U.S.-owned and operated, Icon Group has field offices in Paris, Hong Kong, and Lomé, Togo (West Africa). Created in 1994, Icon Group has published hundreds of multi-client databases, and global/regional market data, industry and country publications. Global/Regional Management S
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