F-105 Thunderchief Units Of The Vietnam War (combat Aircraft)

E-Book Overview

The F-105 was a supersonic fighter-bomber used by the USAF to great extent during the Vietnam War. Despite pilots' initial apprehensions about the aircraft and a variety of problems with early designs, these planes ultimately became the primary strike bomber over North Vietnam in the early stages of the Vietnam War. This book explores the crucial importance of the Thunderchief, deemed the "Thud" by many of its crews, in the Rolling Thunder campaign; it explains the pioneering suppression of enemy air defences (SEAD) methods developed by the F-105 'Wild Weasel' crews. Using first-hand narratives wherever possible, the text captures the essence of flying the "Thud" against heavy AAA, SAM and MiG defences in conditions where constricting Rules of Engagement made the pilots' task virtually impossible at times. The book also documents the other demanding missions flown over Laos and South Vietnam. The author also gives an extensive overview of the aircraft's strengths and difficulties, the development of wartime tactics and the heroic accomplishments of a selection of its aircrew.

E-Book Content

OIOSPREY COMBAT AIRCRAFT • 8410 P T R E DAVIES has written 1 tIti s on modern combat rcr ft, specialising in the VI tn. m War period. A teacher by prof ssion, he lives with hi f mlly in Bristol, England. Thl I Peter's seventh title t r 0 prey. JIM LAURIER is a native tN OSPREY COMBAT AIRCRAFT • 84 w England, growing up In N w Hampshire and M chusetts. He has been dr wing since he could hold p neil, and throughout his I t h has worked in many m dlums, creating artwork n variety of subjects. J m pr fers to paint with I on linen or canvas, with r allsm being the goal. H combines his love of history w th his flying experiences t or ate some of the most II tic and historically curate aviation paintings n today. Indeed, technical ccuracy and attention to d tail have become th trademarks of his work. Jim also digitally creates Illustrations of aircraft and armoured fighting vehicles, bringing to his digital creations the same level of detail that has earned him a reputation as a fine artist. F-105 THUNDERCHIEF UNITS OF THE VIETNAM WAR SERIES EDITOR: TONY HOLMES I OSPREY COMBAT AIRCRAFT • 84 I -105 THUNDERCRIEF UNITS OF THE VIETNAM WAR PETER EDAVIES OSPREY PUBLISHING I I 11111 WI I .I II .. " ... J ....,. . .•• ... II II ·h, I 't 011\ 1111111 II 11d It I' of II II h 1111\ lit Ill! Idl119 ch side "II" "Iw yin at the eastern ,'1U t tll m I' hailing yard. he I' I d th six Ml17 750-lb bombs on hi centreline rack at 4000 ft. All of his weapons were on target. the latter Including two major anti-aircraft emplacements - one consisting of a ring of 85 mm guns and a second with massive 100 mm weapons. Both sites fired at him as he hurtled towards them. 'I think they used their entire dally quota of ammunition on me'. Broughton recounted after the mission. Like the rest of the flight, he escaped unscathed. In addition to the heavy guns, the Thunderchiefs had destroyed 35 railway trucks, cut the track In a dozen places and demolished several large storage buildings. Flak suppression was one of the most dangerous missions flown by F-l05 units In Vietnam, pilots seeking to provoke AAA batteries into action so that they could then target them just ahead of the main strike force. Although the F-l05 combat wings attained a commendably low loss rate of 1.6 aircraft per 1000 sorties up to the final months of 1967. the sheer quantity of missions meant that a stagge
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