Functional Foods, Cardiovascular Disease And Diabetes

E-Book Overview

Cardiovascular disease and Type II diabetes are a growing problem for the developed world, putting an ever greater strain on healthcare systems. Edited by a leading authority, Functional Foods, Cardiovascular Disease, and Diabetes reviews the role of functional foods in helping to prevent these chronic diseases. Two introductory chapters provide a context for the rest of the book by assessing the potential of functional foods to prevent disease and the key issues concerning health claims. Part 1 examines the importance of diet in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, with chapters on fat soluble nutrients, antioxidants, and iron intake. Part 2 focuses on the role of phytochemicals in preventing cardiovascular disease, including chapters on isoflavones and plant sterols. Part 3 addresses the role of dietary fat, including the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat replacers. The final part of the book reviews the use of starch and other functional ingredients in controlling cardiovascular disease, with individual chapters on cereal beta-glucans, grain legumes and food fermentation by lactic acid bacteria. Functional foods, cardiovascular disease and diabetes will be a standard reference for all those concerned with the role of functional foods in the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

E-Book Content

Functional foods, cardiovascular disease and diabetes Related titles from Woodhead's food science, technology and nutrition list: Phytochemical functional foods (ISBN 1 85573 672 1) Phytochemicals are non-nutritive components that provide plants with colour, flavour and toxicity to pests. There is now a growing body of research that also suggests they may also help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis and heart disease. Edited by two leading authorities, this collection provides an authoritative review of the range of phytochemicals. The first part of the book considers individual groups of phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds and their health benefits. Other parts of the book discuss how functional benefits are tested, and ways of producing phytochemical functional products. Functional foods, ageing and degenerative disease (ISBN 1 85573 725 6) This important collection reviews the role of functional foods in the area of degenerative disease, tackling a number of key issues including bone and dental health, immune function and gut health. Functional dairy products (ISBN 1 85573 584 9) Dairy products constitute one of the most important types of functional food. Edited by two of the leading authorities in this area, this major collection first reviews how functional dairy products help to prevent such chronic diseases as cancer, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Part II considers product development and such issues as clinical trials and safety evaluation. Part III reviews particular types of product from oligosaccharides to lactic acid bacteria. Details of these books and a complete list of Woodhead's food science, technology and nutrition titles can be obtained by: · visiting our web site at · contacting Customer Services (email: [email protected]; fax: +44 (0) 1223 893694; tel.: +44 (0) 1223 891358 ext. 30; address: Woodhead Publishing Limited, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge CB1 6AH, UK) Selected food science and technology titles are also available in electronic form. Visit our web site ( to find out more. If you would like to receive information on forthcoming titles in this area, please send your address details to: Francis Dodds (address, tel. and fax as above; e-mail:
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