Turlough And The Earthlink Dilemma

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The Companions of Doctor Who TURLOUGH AND THE EARTHLINK DILEMMA by Tony Attwood Of all the companions ever to travel with the Doctor in the TARDIS, Turlough was the most enigmatic and the most disturbing. Exiled from his home world, he saw the Doctor as a means of escape from Earth – and for that he was prepared to kill. But just who was Turlough? And what happened to him after he left the Doctor? Now Turlough has returned to Trion, but to a Trion much changed since his exile. Who are the mysterious Gardsormr? What is their secret purpose? And what is the shocking and terrifying link between Trion and planet Earth? • Introduction • 00: Prologue • 01: Ace • 02: Duo • 03: Trio • 04: 4D • 05: Magic • 06: Mobile? • • 07: Transport! 08: New Trion on Trion • 09: Juras? • 10: Pharix • 11: Knave • 12: Queen • 13: King ‘Philosophers merely explain the world. The thing however is to change it.’ INTRODUCTION Dear Readers, I imagine that most of you about to embark on Turlough And The Earthlink Dilemma will have seen my portrayal of the character on BBC TV – be prepared for a surprise! One of the problems of being a companion on Doctor Who is that you would really, of course, like to be playing the Doctor, but within the context of a 25 minute episode there just isn’t time for everyone to play a leading part, or to have their character developed as fully as you might wish… You may have noticed that Turlough spent a great deal of time kept captive in various states of bondage. It was always a disappointment to me that there seemed to be no getting around this problem. The novel puts no such limitations on the writer, and Tony Attwood comes out with creative guns blazing. I first met Tony eighteen months ago when he was doing research for the book, since when he has constantly been in touch, but the end result of his labours surpasses even my expectations. Here Turlough arrives for the first time with three dimensions: he has warmth, depth, a sense of humour (believe it or not!) and, dare I say, a ‘humanity’, which leads to a romantic side to his nature, which, as a confirmed romantic myself, was especially nice to see – hanky- panky was a definite no- go area in the TARDIS! For one who lives without answerphone, video machine or computer, and whose only concessions to modern gadgetry are an ancient black and white television and a food mixer, some of the scientific jargon was a little difficult to understand – you may have noticed me having the occasional problem getting round the words on Doctor Who sometimes – but the story kept my attention throughout as I’m sure it will you. I shall tell no secrets to give the game away, but leave you to discover the real Turlough for yourselves; suffice it to say, be assured that the wretched shining cube does not make an appearance – I made sure of that! Best Wishes, Mark Strickson (and Turlough) 00: PROLOGUE For over nine thousand years the Clans had ruled Trion and the Trion colonies. Initially the regime had been harsh, even dictatorial as Clansmen and women set about formulating the mould that was to last through the millennia. That regime could be summarised in two words: science and technology. To the Clans, scientific research and development, combined with its application into all technological fields, was the centre of their philosophy; the heart and soul of their existence. Everything was secondary to the maximising of scientific achievement; from the development of science all good would flow, life would be better, richer, freer. And in many ways they were right. After the early days of Ykstort I and Nilatis IV the Clans began to settle down.
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