The Cambridge Handbook Of Psychology And Economic Behaviour

E-Book Overview

Psychologists have been observing and interpreting economic behaviour for at least fifty years, and the last decade, in particular, has seen an escalated interest in the interface between psychology and economics. <em>The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour is a valuable reference resource dedicated to improving our understanding of the economic mind and economic behaviour. Employing empirical methods – including laboratory experiments, field experiments, observations, questionnaires and interviews – the <em>Handbook covers aspects of theory and method, financial and consumer behaviour, the environment and biological perspectives. With contributions from distinguished scholars from a variety of countries and backgrounds, the <em>Handbook is an important step forward in the improvement of communications between the disciplines of psychology and economics. It will appeal to academic researchers and graduates in economic psychology and behavioural economics. • A valuable reference resource linking the disciplines of psychology and economics • Features contributions from distinguished scholars from twelve countries, providing a truly international perspective • Covers aspects of theory and method, financial and consumer behaviour, the environment and biological perspectives

E-Book Content

MMMM This page intentionally left blank The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour Psychologists have been observing and interpreting economic behaviour for at least fifty years, and the last decade, in particular, has seen an escalated interest in the interface between psychology and economics. The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour is a valuable reference resource dedicated to improving our understanding of the economic mind and economic behaviour. Employing empirical methods – including laboratory experiments, field experiments, observations, questionnaires and interviews – the Handbook covers aspects of theory and method, financial and consumer behaviour, the environment and biological perspectives. With contributions from distinguished scholars from a variety of countries and backgrounds, the Handbook is an important step forward in the improvement of communications between the disciplines of psychology and economics. It will appeal to academic researchers and graduates in economic psychology and behavioural economics. Alan Lewis is Professor of Economic Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath. He is a former editor of the Journal of Economic Psychology and his books include Morals, Markets and Money: Ethical, Green and Socially Responsible Investing (2002) and The New Economic Mind: The Social Psychology of Economic Behaviour (with Paul Webley and Adrian Furnham, 1995). The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour Edited by ALAN LEWIS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York Information on this title: © Cambridge University Press 2008 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format 2008 ISBN-13 978-0-511-39346-4 eBook (EBL) ISBN-13 hardback 978-0-521-85665-2 Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and doe
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