E-Book Overview
This volume examines the evolution of Central European product liability regimes, with particular reference to the effect of the implementation of the Product Liability Directive in the context of the recent enlargement of the EU. Using Product Liability Law, the study offers a valuable insight into the necessary features and requirements of the harmonisation of laws between the EU and Post-socialist Europe. This complex undertaking is achieved by use of comparative law methodology concerned with convergence of laws, international movements of law and the changes these necessitate. This volume further provides a comparison of how the law has evolved in Socialist states and compares it to developments taking place in the West.Predominantly legal in scope, this study also takes account of the importance of extralegal elements in law reform. As such, it will be a valuable resource for those interested in European Law as well as those working in the area of Consumer and Product Liability law.
E-Book Content
Liabi lity La w in T ransition
Markets and the Law Series Editor: Geraint Howells, Lancaster U niversity, U K Series Advisory Board:
S tefan Grundmann – Humboldt U niversity of B erlin, Germany Hans Micklitz – B amberg U niveristy, Germany James P. N ehf – Indiana U niversity , USA Iain R amsay – Y ork U niversity, C anada C harles R ickett – U niversity of Queensland, A ustralia R einer S chulze – Münster U niversity, Germany Jules S tuyck – Katholieke U niversiteit Leuven, B elgium S tephen W eatherill – U niversity of O xford, U K T homas W ilhelmsson – U niversity of Helsinki, Finland Markets and the Law is concerned with the way the law interacts with the market through regulation, self-regulation and the impact of private law regimes. It looks at the impact of regional and international organizations (e.g. EC and WTO ) and many of the works adopt a comparative approach and/or appeal to an international audience. Examples of subjects covered include trade laws, intellectual property, sales law, insurance, consumer law, banking, .nancial markets, labour law, environmental law and social regulation affecting the market as well as competition law. T he series includes texts covering a broad area, monographs on focused issues, and collections of essays dealing with particular themes. Other titles in the series The Yearbook of Consumer Law 2009 Edited by D eborah Parry, A nnette N ordhausen, Geraint Howells, and C hristian T wigg-Flesner ISBN 978 0 7546 7574 7 Statutory Priorities in Corporate Insolvency Law A n A nalysis of Preferred C reditor S tatus C hristopher F. S ymes ISBN 978 0 7546 7519 8 The Future of Consumer Credit Regulation C reative A pproaches to Emerging Problems Edited by Michelle Kelly-Louw, James P. N ehf, and Peter R ott ISBN 978 0 7546 7417 7 For more information on this series, visit www.ashgate.com
Product Liability Law in T ransition A C entral European Perspective
Ma gda lena T u libac ka Oxford University, UK
© Magdalena T ulibacka 2009 A ll rights reserved. N o part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. Magdalena T ulibacka has asserted her moral right under the C opyright, D esigns and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work. Published by A shgate Publishing Limited A shgate Publishing C ompany W ey C ourt East S uite 420 U nion R oad 101 C herry S treet Farnham B urlington S urrey, GU 9 7PT VT 05401-4405 England USA www.ashgate.com British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data T ulibacka, Magdalena Product liability law in transition : a C entral European perspective. - (Markets and the law) 1. Products liability - Europe, C entral I. T i