One King, One Faith: The Parlement Of Paris And The Religious Reformations Of The Sixteenth Century

E-Book Overview

This book, the culmination of a lifelong career in French history, tackles head-on the central question of the French Religious Wars: Why did France prove so consistently hostile and resistant to Protestantism? Distinguished scholar Nancy Lyman Roelker claims that what ultimately motivated the passion and violence of the civil wars was religion. She demonstrates that not only the body politic but also the body social was defined by Gallican Catholicism. Roelker underscores the role the Parlement played in shaping and safeguarding the social, as well as the political, order. Her study is based on extensive research in the correspondence, memoirs, and tracts of mainstream Catholic magistrates as well as dissenters. It creates an overview of the mentalits of the Parlement, analyzes religious attitudes toward major events of the period, and examines the Parlement's role in the triumph of Henri IV. Along the way, it sheds light on the inner workings of the Parlement and other political institutions, on social structures, and on collective ideas. And above all, this distinguished work brilliantly illuminates the role of religion in society and the state. It will be the definitive work on the subject for many years to come.

E-Book Content

One King, One Faith The Parlement of Paris and the Religious Reformations of the Sixteenth Century Nancy Lyman Roelker UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Berkeley — Los Angeles — Oxford © 1996 The Regents of the University of California For more than English e-books please contact me: sociology,philosophy and history [email protected] FOREWORD One King, One Faith has been more than twenty years in the writing and still longer in the making. To paraphrase one of the readers for the press, it represents "a lifetime of reading and thinking" about the central issues involved in France's response to the religious crisis of the sixteenth century. Sadly, the book's author did not live to see the completed work. Nancy Lyman Roelker died at her home in Rhode Island on November 27, 1993, just three months after she learned that her manuscript had been accepted for publication by the University of California Press. Nancy Roelker's friends took comfort in the joy she experienced at having the manuscript accepted and knowing the work would appear. Still, her untimely death left many questions unanswered and many tasks undone. Everyone who has published a book knows how much work remains—and how many decisions need to be made—before the final product comes off the press, out of the bindery, and into the bookstores. In this case, the process was complicated by the fact that no one was certain just how far Nancy had gotten with her intended revisions. She had been working on the bibliography on the day that she died, and yet there were enough incomplete notes and bracketed comments in the manuscript to suggest that she intended to return to these passages to make more changes as well. As the friend and colleague whose own research borders most closely on the subject of this book, I have assisted Nancy's sister, Helen Kessler, and the editors at the UC Press with the editorial tasks that remained. We have tried to proceed delicately, with a lighter editorial hand than might have been applied to a manuscript whose author could still be queried on intentions and shades of meaning. Nancy Roelker has a distinct and vibrant authorial voice, and we wanted that voice to speak unimpeded. I have accordingly tried to limit my own role to checking citations, filling in ―x― missing references, and clarifying the occasional passage where mechanical or other errors obscured what seemed to be a clearly intended meaning. I have been assisted greatly in this process by a former student, John McGrath,
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