E-Book Overview
Volume Two guides the student through more complex elements of chess strategy, furthering his/her understanding of combining fast and accurate calculation with good positional understanding. In a series of 12 lessons, key points are reinforced with thematic tests. Beginner
E-Book Content
The Power Chess Program Book 2
Nigel Davies
B.T. Batsford Ltd, London.
First published in 1999 © Nigel Davies 1 999
ISBN 0 7 1 34 8420 9 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, by any means, without prior permission of the publisher. Printed in Great Britain by Creative Print and Design (Wales), Ebbw Vale for the publ[shers D.T. Batsford Ltd 9 B lenheim Court Brewery Road London N7 9NT
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The Art of Attack 2 The Initiative
3 The Art of Defence
4 Winning 'Won Position s
5 Endgame Themes
6 Endgame Battles
7 Masters of Attack
8 The Strategists
9 The Technicians
10 The Tacticillns
11 The Opening
12 The Elements of Mastery
Key Moyes Solutions
Anal ysis Positions Solutions
Introduction Welcome to year two of the
Power Chess Program which can be
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check mate captures a brill iant move a good move an interesting move a dubious move a bad move a blunder White wins Black wins draw Candidates tournament Candidates match Championship World championship Team championship Team tournament Olympiad Interzonal tournament Zonal tournament Correspondenc.e game Match
studied either together with or inde pendently from Book I. What is it that makes a strong chess player? Is it a knowledge of opening theory Cas many people seem to believe) or perhaps being able to calculate more moves ahead than the opponent? A quick eye per haps, fierce will to win or just patience? Through my work as a chess trainer I have come across all sorts of theories as to what it is that makes someone good at chess, not all of them very sound. As a result it is quite difficult for an amateur player with a limited amount of time to know exactly how to improve. With these thoughts in mind I set about developing a training program which would target the two main areas in which stronger pl ayers dis tinguish themselves. The first is their ability to see ahead clearly and deeply and be able to make disci p lined calculations. The second is in recognising a large number of stra tegic patterns and being able to apply this to similar positions with good j udgement and creativity. The Power Chess Program is a two year course in which month by month I p resent different strategic themes and issues and then back this up with thematic test positions to
get the reader actively invol ved. It is only through jhis active involve ment that the strategic ideas really hit home, simply reading about them is not enough! I have arranged the chapters in terms of 'weeks' and 'months' with the aim of encouraging a regu lar weekly study session of about 3-5 hours. For each week's lesson you should firstly read through the ootes and then set about the test positions. These positions are divided into two types. The 'key move' positions C KM 1 311: to KM24/4 are fairly l ightweight and you might allow yourself around 1 0 minutes each to fin