Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation Of Business Engagement

E-Book Overview

How to implement social technology in business, spur collaborative innovation and drive winning programs to improve products, services, and long-term profits and growth.

The road to social media marketing is now well paved: A July 2009 Anderson Analytics study found 60% of the Internet population uses social networks and social media sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. Collaboration and innovation, driven by social technology, are “what’s next.”

Written by the author of the bestselling Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day in collaboration with Jake McKee,  Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation of Business Engagement  takes marketers, product managers, small business owners, senior executives and organizational leaders on to the next step in social technology and its application in business. In particular, this book explains how to successfully implement a variety tools, how to ensure higher levels of customer engagement, and how to build on the lessons learned and information gleaned from first-generation social media marketing efforts and to carry this across your organization.

This book:

  • Details how to develop, implement, monitor and measure successful social media activities, and how to successfully act on feedback from the social web
  • Discusses conversation-monitoring tools and platforms to accelerate the business innovation cycle along with the metrics required to prove the success of social technology adoption
  • Connects the social dots more deeply across the entire organization, moving beyond marketing and into product development, customer service and customer-driven innovation, and the benefits of encouraging employee collaboration.

Social media has become a central component of marketing: Collaborative, social technology is now moving across the organization, into business functions ranging from HR and legal to product management and the supply chain. Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation of Business Engagement is the perfect book for marketers, business unit managers and owners, HR professionals and anyone else looking to better understand how to use social technologies and platforms to build loyalty in customers, employees, partners and suppliers to drive long term growth and profits.

E-Book Content

Praise for Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation of Business Engagement “Social media has become a primary tool for higher levels of fan engagement, directly driving lead generation through interaction and content sharing that is especially relevant to media companies. Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation of Business Engagement deconstructs the tools and techniques, showing you how to apply social technology to your business.” —Johni Fisher, CEO, Looppa, Buenos Aires “Innovation is not a one-way street where you walk alone! Take your customers on the journey, and see the difference. Social technologies, clearly explained in Dave’s book, enable you and your customers to work as a team.” —Kaushal Sarda, Founder, Uhuroo, Bangalore “Rigorous, measurable quality improvement is critical for getting social media and word-of-mouth working for your business. Dave’s book highlights quality programs that work, and shows you how to implement them in your business.” —Jeff Turk, CEO, Formaspace, Austin, TX “What’s so appealing about social media is its power to reach not just one consumer at a time, but a huge network of friends through the open graph. Businesses must learn to do this or risk losing their connection with consumers altogether. Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation of Business Engagement shows you how. —Roger Katz, CEO, Friend2Friend, Palo Alto, CA, and Barcelona “Dave provides a practical approach for leaders who want to harness the power of social media to cost-effectively transform their business and catapult themselves ahead of the
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