периоды английской литературы: учебное пособие для студентов по специальности 021700 - ''филология''

E-Book Overview

Настоящее пособие, посвященное английской литературе, подготовлено на кафедре английского языка РГФ Воронежского государственного университета. Рекомендуется для студентов 2-3 курсов дневного отделения филологического факультета

E-Book Content

М И Н И СТ Е РСТ В О О БРА ЗО В А Н И Я РО ССИ Й СК О Й Ф Е Д Е РА Ц И И В ороне ж ск и й Г осударстве нны й У ни ве рси те т П Е РИ О Д Ы А Н Г ЛИ Й СК О Й ЛИ Т Е РА Т УРЫ У Ч Е БН ОЕ П ОСОБИ Е П О СП Е Ц И АЛ Ь Н ОСТИ 021700 ФИ Л ОЛ ОГ И Я Г СЭ.Ф.01 В оронеж 2003 Утверж дено научно-методическим советом РГ Ф от 06.05.2003 г . (протокол № 6) Составители: К арповаВ .А . СвечковаЕ .В . О реш инаЗ.Д . П особ ие подг отовлено на каф едре анг лийског о язы ка РГ Ф В оронеж ског ог осударственног о университета. Рекомендуется для студентов 2-3 курсов дневног о отделения ф илолог ическог о ф акультета. 2 Periods Of English Literature The division of a nation's literary history into periods offers a convenient method for studying authors and movements. Hence most literary histories and anthologies are arranged by periods. In the case of English literature, there are almost as many arrangements as there are books on the subject. One plan is to name a period for its greatest or its most representative author: Age of Chaucer, Age of Spencer, etc. Another is to coin a descriptive adjective from the name of the ruler: Elizabethan Period, Jacobean Period, Victorian Period. Or pure chronology or names of centuries may be preferred: Fifteenth - Century Literature, Eighteenth - Century Literature, etc. Or descriptive titles designed to indicate prevailing attitudes or dominant fashions or "schools" of literature may be used: Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Age of Reason. The table that follows gives the scheme used in The Outline of Literary History. 428 - 1100 1100 - 1350 1350 - 1500 1500 - 1660 1660 - 1798 1798 - 1870 1870 - 1914 1914 - 1965 1965 - Old English Period Anglo-Norman Period Middle English Period Renaissance Period 1550 - 1557 Early Tudor Age 1558 - 1603 Elizabethan Age 1603 - 1625 Jacobean Age 1625 - 1649 Caroline Age 1649 - 1660 Commonwealth Interregnum Neoclassic Period 1660 - 1700 Restoration Age 1700 - 1750 Augustan Age 1750 - 1798 Age of Jonson Romantic Period 1798 - 1832 Age of the Romantic Movement 1832 - 1870 Early Victorian Age Realistic Period 1870 – 1901 Late Victorian Age 1901 – 1914 Edwardian Age Modern of Modernist Period Post-Modernist of Contemporary Period The Old English Period This term is applied to the period in English history and literature between the invasion of England by Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, beginning about 428, and the establishment of the Norman rule of England around 1100, following the triumphant Conquest of England by the Norman French under William the Conqueror. It was an age of intertribal conflict and, in the ninth century, of 3 struggles with the invading Danes. The greatest of the rulers of the period was Alfred, who remains the only English ruler to be styled "The Great". Learning and culture flourished in the monasteries. Although most writing throughout the period was in Latin, Christian monks began writing in the vernacular that we call Old English about 700. In the earliest part of the period the poetry, written in accentual meter and linked by alliteration 1, was centered on the life of the Germanic tribes and was basically pagan, although Christian elements were incorporated early. The best of the poems that has survived is the great epic2 Beowulf which belongs to the seventh century. It is a story of about 3,000 lines which gives us an interesting picture of life in those old days. It tells us of fierce fights and brave deeds, of the speeches of Beowulf, a brave young man from southern Sweden, and the suf
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