50 Fast Photoshop 7 Techniques

E-Book Overview

50 Fast Photoshop "X" Techniques for is an immensely useful book for anyone wanting to take advantage of the very latest release of the world's top digital imaging tool, Adobe Photoshop.The techniques are valuable to both pros and hobbyists alike - they enable everyone to enjoy successful creation of fine art images and prints! The step-by-step and richly illustrated collection of awesome techniques are easily accessible and understandable to users on every level.This is a new kind of Photoshop book-one that can help both casual users through professional users save time while creating professional quality images and effects!"

E-Book Content

Praise for the author’s 50 Fast Digital Photo Techniques “Provides 50 quick and easy tips on how to produce amazing images… Georges expertly teaches you how to duplicate each effect… Well worth adding to your library.” — Shutterbug magazine Gregory Georges has been an active photographer for more than 25 years. He is author of 50 Fast Digital Photo Techniques and ® Digital Camera Solutions, both CD-ROM included bestselling books on digital cameras and digital image editing. He is a contributing writer for If you’re a graphic artist, a professional photographer, or a serious hobbyist, Photoshop is the clear choice for image-editing and special effects. Using striking before-and-after images and clear step-by-step instructions, Gregory Georges walks through 50 of today’s coolest, fastest, most useful Photoshop tricks, from advanced image retouching and traditional photographic enhancements to striking fine arts effects and archival print-making techniques. Shutterbug and eDigitalPhoto magazines, and he provides photographs to a growing list of ® Web sites and commercial clients. Your Easy Guide to Professional Photoshop Tricks and Techniques • Enhanc
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