Handbook Of Natural Resource And Energy Economics

E-Book Overview

The three volumes comprising the Handbook of Natural Resource and Energy Economics examine the current theory, and sample current application methods for natural resource and energy economics. Volumes 1 & 2 deal with the economics of environmental and renewable resources, and are divided into six parts. The first deals with basic concepts, and subsequent sections are concerned with ethics and environmental topics. Volume 3 deals primarily with non-renewable resources. It analyzes the economics of energy and minerals and includes chapters on the economics of environmental policy.

E-Book Content

INTRODUCTION TO THE SERIES The aim of the Handbooks in Economics series is to produce Handbooks for various branches of economics, each of which is a definitive source, reference, and teaching supplement for use by professional researchers and advanced graduate students. Each Handbook provides self-contained surveys of the current state of a branch of economics in the form of chapters prepared by leading specialists on various aspects of this branch of economics. These surveys summarize not only received results but also newer developments, from recent journal articles and discussion papers. Some original material is also included, but the main goal is to provide comprehensive and accessible surveys. The Handbooks are intended to provide not only useful reference volumes for professional collections but also possible supplementary readings for advanced courses for graduate students in economics. CONTENTS OF THE HANDBOOK VOLUME I Introduction to Volumes I and II ALLEN V. KNEESE and JAMES L. SWEENEY PART 1 - SOME BASIC CONCEPTS Chapter I Welfare Economics and the Environment KARL-GORAN MALER Chapter 2 Bioeconomics of Renewable Resource Use JAMES E. WILEN Chapter 3 Spatial Aspects of Environmental Economics HORST SIEBERT Chapter 4 Economics of Nature Preservation ANTHONY C. FISHER and JOHN V. KRUTILLA Chapter 5 Ethics and Environmental Economics ALLEN V. KNEESE and WILLIAM D. SCHULZE PART 2- SELECTED METHODS AND APPLICATIONS OF ECONOMICS TO ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS Chapter6 Methods for Assessing the Benefits of Environmental Programs A. MYRICK FREEMAN, III viii Contents of the Handbook Chapter 7 Environmental Economics, Industrial Process Models, and Regional-Residuals Management Models DAVID JAMES Chapter 8 Input-Output Models, National Economic Models, and the Environment FINN R. FORSUND PART 3 -THE ECONOMICS OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Chapter 9 Distributional and Macroeconomic Aspects of Environmental Policy G.B. CHRISTAINSEN and T.H. TIETENBERG Chapter 10 Comparative Analysis of Alternative Policy Instruments PETER BOHM and CLIFFORD S. RUSSELL VOLUME II PART 4- THE ECONOMICS OF RENEWABLE RESOURCE USE Chapter 11 Economics of Water Resources: A Survey ROBERT A. YOUNG and ROBERT H. HAVEMAN Chapter 12 Multiple Use Management of Public Forestlands MICHAEL D. BOWES and JOHN V. KRUTILLA Chapter 13 Land Resources and Land Markets ALAN RANDALL and EMERY N. CASTLE PART 5-THE ECONOMICS OF PROVIDING RENEWABLE RESOURCE GOODS AND SERVICES Chapter 14 The Economics of Fisheries Management GORDON R. MUNRO and ANTHONY D. SCOTT Chapter 15 The Economics of Outdoor Recreation KENNETH E. McCONNELL Contents of the Handbook PART 6 - ENVIRONMENT AND RENEWABLE RESOURCES IN SOCIALIST SYSTEMS Chapter 16 Economics of Environment and Renewable Resources in Socialist Systems Part 1: Russia MARSHALL I. GOLDMAN Part 2: China SHIGETO TSURU VOLUME III Introduction to Volume III ALLEN V. KNEESE and JAMES L. SWEENEY PART 1 - SOME BASIC CONCEPTS Chapter 17 Intertemporal Objectives PETER HAMMOND Chapt
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