A Companion To Economic Geography (blackwell Companions To Geography)

E-Book Overview

A Companion to Economic Geography presents students of human geography with an essential collection of original essays providing a key to understanding this important subdiscipline. The contributions are written by prominent international scholars offering a wide-ranging overview of the field.

E-Book Content

A Companion to Economic Geography Edited by Eric Sheppard University of Minnesota and Trevor J. Barnes University of British Columbia A Companion to Economic Geography Here is an exemplary `Companion' or guide to contemporary economic geography: a set of exciting, provocative, sometimes polemical and passionate, but always informative essays on the major debates and issues of the day in Anglo-American economic geography. . . . [It] not only looks backward, to established theories and frameworks, but also forward, to the emerging global economy and the new approaches needed to understand its dynamics. The total effect is of a melange of lively, piercing, and surprising perspectives on a field that far from constituting the geographical branch of the `dismal science' seems at the centre of contemporary debates about the condition of the world and its likely directions in the years ahead. John A. Agnew, University of California, Los Angeles By taking seriously the historical methodological, and theoretical contexts of the subfields of and approaches to economic geography, the authors are freed from a need to praise or lambaste specific approaches. Rather, the reader gains appreciation for how the strengths and limitations of subfields and approaches grow from their purposes and contexts. . . . This volume is indispensable for upper-level undergraduates, entering graduate students, and those of us who try to inspire them. James W. Harrington, University of Washington A Companion to Economic Geography is a masterly canvas. . . . The editors have an eclectic view of the `economic' and engaging commitment to broad theoretical debates and continuing innovation, and its varied contributions stimulate, provoke and instruct in equal measure. Its range and the engaging and accessible style makes the Companion an ideal set of readings for students of geography and all those in related disciplines interested in the changing nature of economic processes. Linda McDowell, University College London Blackwell Companions to Geography ȱ Blackwellȱ CompanionsȱtoȱGeographyȱisȱaȱ blueȬchip,ȱ comprehensiveȱseriesȱ coveringȱ eachȱmajorȱsubdisciplineȱofȱhumanȱgeographyȱinȱdetail.ȱȱEditedȱandȱcontributedȱ byȱ theȱ disciplines’ȱ leadingȱ authoritiesȱ eachȱ bookȱ providesȱ theȱ mostȱ upȱ toȱ dateȱ andȱauthoritativeȱsynthesesȱavailableȱinȱitsȱfield.ȱTheȱoverviewsȱprovidedȱinȱeachȱ Companionȱwillȱbeȱanȱindispensableȱintroductionȱtoȱtheȱfieldȱforȱstudentsȱofȱallȱ levels,ȱ whileȱ theȱ cuttingȬedge,ȱ criticalȱ directionȱ willȱ engageȱ students,ȱ teachersȱ andȱpractitionersȱalike.ȱȱ ȱ Published ȱ 1.ȱAȱCompanionȱtoȱtheȱCityȱ EditedȱbyȱGaryȱBridgeȱandȱSophieȱWatsonȱ ȱ 2.ȱAȱCompanionȱtoȱEconomicȱGeographyȱ EditedȱbyȱEricȱSheppardȱandȱTrevorȱJ.ȱBarnesȱ ȱ 3.ȱAȱCompanionȱtoȱPoliticalȱGeographyȱ EditedȱbyȱJohnȱAgnew,ȱKatharyneȱMitchell,ȱandȱGerardȱToalȱ(GearóidȱÓȱ Tuathail)ȱ ȱ 4.ȱAȱCompanionȱtoȱCulturalȱGeographyȱ EditedȱbyȱJamesȱS.ȱDuncan,ȱNualaȱC.ȱJohnsonȱandȱRichardȱH.ȱScheinȱ ȱ 5.ȱAȱCompanionȱtoȱTourismȱ EditedȱbyȱAlanȱA.ȱLew,ȱC.ȱMichaelȱHallȱandȱAllanȱM.ȱWilliamsȱ ȱ Forthcoming ȱ 6.ȱAȱCompanionȱtoȱFeministȱGeographyȱ EditedȱbyȱLiseȱNelsonȱandȱJoniȱSeagerȱ ȱ 8.ȱHandbookȱtoȱGISȱ EditedȱbyȱJohnȱWilsonȱandȱStewartȱFotheringhamȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ A Companion to Economic Geography Edited by Eric Sheppard University of Minnesota and Trevor J. Barnes University of British Columbia ©ȱ2000,ȱ2003ȱbyȱBlackwellȱPublishingȱLtdȱ exceptȱforȱeditorialȱmaterialȱandȱorganizationȱ©ȱ2000,ȱ2003ȱbyȱEricȱSheppa
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