Used Battery Collection And Recycling (industrial Chemisrty Library, Volume 10)

E-Book Overview

About 40 billion batteries were produced in the year 2000 and this number isincreasing at approximately 5% annually. A large number of these batteriescontain hazardous materials. Batteries also contain significant quantities ofimportant materials. Consequently the uncontrolled disposal of batteriespresents both a major risk to health and the environment and a significantwaste of valuable material resources. Recognizing the importance ofcontrolling battery waste disposal, worldwide government and industry efforts havebeen initiated to collect and recycle such wastes.Led by the OECD member states, legislation has been put inplace mandating the collection and recycling of cadmium, lead and mercurybatteries. Industry organizations have been established for the purpose of educatingthe consumer and developing collection/recycling programs. We may mention thePortable Rechargeable Battery Association (PRBA) and the Rechargeable BatteryRecycling Corporation (RBRC) in the U.S.A., and the European Portable BatteryAssociation (EPBA) and CollectNiCad in Europe. As a consequence of these lawsand programs, increasing quantities of spent batteries are being collected andrecycled.We wish to express our deep gratitude to the contributors of the variouschapters of this book and to the organizations and companies that haveprovided us general information and encouragement. Many of thesegroups have also contributed on a regular basis to the annual congressesorganized first in the U.S.A. by one of us (S.P. Wolsky) - Seminar on BatteryWaste Management - and later by others in Europe - Battery RecyclingCongress.Our goal has been to present in one volume a systematic and updated summaryof the important aspects of the battery waste issue. As such this book willbe of interest to all those working in thisimportant field.(preface)

E-Book Content

Industrial Chemistry Library, Volume 10 Used Battery Collection and Recycling Industrial Chemistry Library Advisory Editor: S.T. Sie, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Materials Science Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands Volume 1 Progress in C 1 Chemistry in Japan (Edited by the Research Association for C 1 Chemistry) Volume 2 Calcium Magnesium Acetate. An Emerging Bulk Chemical for Environmental Applications (Edited by D.L. Wise, Y.A. Levendis and M. Metghalchi) Volume 3 Advances in Organobromine Chemistry I (Edited by J.-R. Desmurs and B. G6rard) Volume 4 Technology of Corn Wet Milling and Associated Processes (by P.H. B lanchard) Volume 5 Lithium Batteries. New Materials, Developments and Perspectives (Edited by G. Pistoia) Volume 6 Industrial Chemicals. Their Characteristics and Development (by G. Again) Volume 7 Advances in Organobromine Chemistry II (Edited by J.-R. Desmurs, B. G6rard and M.J. Goldstein) Volume 8 The Roots of Organic Development (Edited by J.-R. Desmurs and S. Ratton) Volume 9 High Pressure Process Technology: Fundamentals and Applications (Edited by A. Bertucco and G. Vetter) Volume 10 Used Battery Collection and Recycling (Edited by G. Pistoia, J.-P. Wiaux and S.P. Wolsky) Industrial Chemistry Library, Volume 10 Used B attery Collection and Recycling Edited by G. Pistoia Via G. Scalia 10, 00136 Rome, Italy J.-P. Wiaux Titalyse S.A., Route des Acacias 54 bis, CH-1227 Carouge, Geneva, Switserland S.P. Wolsky Ansum Enterprises, 1900 Cocoanut Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33432, USA 2001 ELSEVIER Amsterdam - London - New York - Oxford - Paris - Shannon - Tokyo ELSEVIER SCIENCE B.V. Sara Burgerhartstraat 25 P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Net
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