Pocket Business French Dictionary: Over 5, 000 Business Words And Expressions

E-Book Overview

This dictionary offers over 5000 terms translated to and from English, covering all aspects of business, including office practice, the stock market, international trading, accounting and marketing terminology. '...this dictionary is essential for any business person, student or traveller who needs to deal with the language of business' - Living France

E-Book Content

Pocket BUSINESS FRENCH DICTIONARY third edition English-French/French-English Anglais-Français/Français-Anglais General Editor PH Collin French Editor Françoise Collin A BLOOMSBURY REFERENCE BOOK Originally published by Peter Collin Publishing Third edition published 2003 Second edition published 2001 First edition published 1998 Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 38 Soho Square London W1D 3HB ã Copyright P.H. Collin 1998, 2001 This edition ã Bloomsbury Publishing 2003 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the publishers. British Library Cataloguing in Publications Data A Catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0171-1 Text computer typeset by Bloomsbury Printed and bound in Italy by Legoprint Preface This pocket dictionary is for any business person, business student or traveller who needs to deal with the language of business. It contains over 5,000 essential business terms in French and English with clear and accurate translations. Abbreviations adj adv f fpl m mf mpl n v adjective adverb feminine feminine plural masculine masculine or feminine masculine plural noun verb Préface Ce dictionnaire vous offre 5 000 mots et expressions indispensables lors de vos voyages d’affaires à l’étranger. Le format étudié, la liste de mots choisis avec soin et les traductions au point en font un outil tout à fait convivial. Abréviations adj adv f fpl m mf mpl n v adjectif adverbe féminin féminin pluriel masculin masculin ou féminin masculin pluriel nom verbe Contents English-French dictionary 1 French-English dictionary 106 Business correspondence 209 Table des matières Dictionnaire anglais-français 1 Dictionnaire français-anglais 106 La correspondance commerciale 209 English-French Anglais-Français A1 Aa 2 account: on account en acompte account executive responsable réceptionner des marchandises ou prendre livraison d’un envoi (mf) de clientèle ou responsable de la gestion du budget d’un client account for (v) rendre compte de ou justifier account in credit compte (m) créditeur account on stop compte (m) bloqué accountant (n) comptable (mf) accounting (n) comptabilité (f) accounting procedures méthodes (fpl) comptables accounts department service (m) de la comptabilité accounts payable comptes (mpl) fournisseurs ou dettes (fpl) accounts receivable comptes (mpl) clients (mpl) ou créances (fpl) accrual (n) accumulation (f) ou capitalisation (f) accrual of interest capitalisation (f) des intérêts accruals (n) compte (m) de régularisation accrue (v) courir ou s’accumuler accrued interest intérêt (m) couru accumulate (v) accumuler ou s’accumuler accurate (adj) exact(e) ou précis(e) ou correct(e) accept liability for something acknowledge (v) receipt of a letter A1 [condition] excellent(e) ou parfait(e) abandon (v) abandonner ou renoncer à abandon an action [legal] renoncer aux poursuites ou à un procès abatement (n) réduction (f) abroad à l’étranger absence absence (f) absence: in the absence of en l’absence de absent (adj) absent(e) absolute monopoly monopole (m) absolu accelerated depreciation amortissement (
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