Tauntons Complete Illustrated Guide To Turning

E-Book Overview

;Taunton's complete illustrated guide to Turning ПРОФЕССИИ И РЕМЕСЛА, ХОББИ и РЕМЕСЛА Автор: Richard Raffan Название: Taunton's complete illustrated guide to Turning Издательство: The Taunton press Год: 2004 Страниц: 262 Формат: PDF Язык : английский Размер: 16.81 МбКнига о токарном искусстве мастера с более чем 25-и летним стажем в токарке - Ричарда Раффана. Подробно иллюстрирована, рассказывает и показывает почти о всём (если не о всём), что связано с токаркой.Скачать - Taunton's complete illustrated guide to Turning.com 85

E-Book Content

Text © © © 2005 by Richard Raffan Photographs All Illustrations 2005 by The Taunton Press, Inc., except p. 29 (bottom right photo) by Terry Golbeck 2005 by The Taunton Press, Inc. rights reserved. The Taunton Press, Inc., 63 South Main Street, PO Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506 e-mail: [email protected] EDI TOR: Paul Anthony D ESIGN: Lori Wendin LAYOUT: Cathy Cassidy ILLUST RATOR: Mario Ferro PHOTOGRAPH ER: Richard Raffan / LIBRARY OF CONGRESS C ATALOGI NG-I N-PuBLICATION DATA: Raffan, Richard. ISBN Taunton's complete illus trated g uide to tu rning p.cm. I. Richard Raffan. 978-1-56158-672-1 1. Turn ing. 2. Lathes. Title. TT201.R33 2004 684'.08--dc22 2004012690 Printed in Italy 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 The following manufacturers/names appearing in Taunton's Complete Illustrated Guide to Turning are trademarks: Dremel®, Tormek®, U-Beaut Enterprises®, WD-40® About Your Safety: Worki n g with wood is inherently dangerous. Using ha nd or power tools i m properly or ignoring safety practices can lead to permanent injury or even death. Don't try to perform operations you learn about here (or elsewhere) u n less you 're certa i n they are safe for you. If somethi ng about an operation doesn't feel right. don't do it. Look for another way. We want you to enjoy the craft, so please keep safety foremost i n your m i nd whenever you' re i n the shop. Acknowledgments B RINGING TOGETHER A BOOK LIKE THIS IS NEVER A SOLO EFFORT, and I'm most grateful for the help and comments offered by many fellow turners. Thanks to Mike Scott, Robin Wood, and David Woodward in England and Wales for allowing me to photograph them in action in their workshops. Nearer home, thanks to my brother Simon and his slabbing skills, and to Gordon Smith, Peter Filmer, and Peter Bloomfield for access to their woodpiles and tools. T hanks to both Graeme Bensley at Carbatec Tools, Fyshwick, my local woodturning store, and Terry Golbeck of Black Forest Wood Co., Calgary, where I teach occasionally, for all manner of bits and pieces of information as well as photos. To Les Fortescue, who has more tools than he needs and kindly lent me a few for the deep hollowing photos. To Paul Anthony-who asked the right questions and made editing most enjoyable. And thanks finally to my wife Liz, who coped stoically (mostly) with the long and anti-social hours writing and editing seemed to demand. Contents Introduction · 2 How to Use This Book · 3 PART ONE Tools and Materials · 6 The Lathe and Attachments 8 The Lathe 12 Lathe Attachments Shaping Tools 16 Tools for Center Work 17 Tools for End G ra i n 19 15 Tools for Face Work 20 Wood-Savi ng Tools 8 Ancillary Tools 23 Tools for Sharpe n i n g 25 Wood Preparation Tools Wood 29